Star Wars Jedi: Survivoris off to a bad start. The game launched to Mostly Negative reviews on Steam, with only 34% of the over 2,000 reviews being positive. That’s around the same level as the disastrousThe Last of Us Part OnePC portreleased in March, and it’s for the same reas...
Jedi: Survivorisn’t something we want to refund, and that’s the frustrating part. We don’t want good games releasing in a bad state to become the norm. Unfortunately, if we’ve ever learned something from the entertainment business, it’s that when publishers learn the audience is all ...
The first shot of Respawn Entertainment’sStar Wars Jedi: Survivoris one of Coruscant’s Jedi Temple adorned with Imperial Banners. Zipping past it before a heist on the planet that once served as the Jedi’s base of operations, the heroic Cal Kestis looks visibly upset. The image is a re...
Survivor keeps the Souls-lite setup of the first game. Thankfully, unlike most, this is never to its detriment. Jedi Meditation points are your bonfire equivalents. Make sure, unlike me, that you always choose “Rest” at them whenever you need to replenish your health and Stim Packs. It ...
Star Wars Jedi: Survivorhas many issues at launch, especially on PC, but the biggest one is overall performance. It’s bad, and a quick look at just the Steam forums confirms that. Even high-end comps are having performance problems likecrashingandnot launching. Our guide will show you the...
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is an excellent sequel that sometimes struggles to rein in its ambition, but takes everything great about Fallen Order and builds on it. Cal's new adventure is a mature, twisting narrative that establishes a new group of heroes and challenges what a modern Star Wars...
Here we go again! Just like The Last of Us Part I (and so many other games recently), another major game released too early. STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor is a hot mess.
It appears that Electronic Arts' Star Wars Jedi: Survivor game will be yet another title that will need multiple patches to make it playable on the PC, as the game appears to have major CPU and GPU optimization issues. The situation is not better on either the PlayStation 5 or Xbox Serie...
All in all, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is the definition of what is wrong with current PC games. It has multiple DRMs that can hurt legitimate customers, to the point that I wish there was a pirated version of it. And then we have the ridiculously high CPU requirements....
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (Mentioned only)Kanan 1 (Mentioned only)Kanan 7Kanan 8Star Wars Rebels— "Shroud of Darkness" (Mentioned only)Star Wars Rebels— "Twilight of the Apprentice" (Mentioned only)Thrawn: Alliances (and audiobook) (Mentioned only)...