Preventing Suicide and Promoting Mental Health Among College Students: The Jed Foundationdoi:10.1007/978-3-030-69468-5_10The Jed Foundation (JED) was established to help institutions of higher education (IHE) in their efforts to mitigate risk of student suicide and to support student mental ...
2 fortheShanghaiBirthCohort 1 TheMinistryofEducation–ShanghaiKeyLaboratoryofChildren’sEnvironmentalHealthand 2 Shanghai Children’sMedicalCenter,ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversitySchoolofMedicine,Shanghai,China *Correspondingauthor.TheMinistryofEducation–ShanghaiKeyLaboratoryofChildren’sEnvironmentalHealth, XinhuaHospital...
A 10‐year analysis of data from the JED Campus school program that provide colleges and universities with expert support, evidence‐based recommended practices and data‐driven guidance has found a significant decline in suicidal ideation and suicidal planning and attempts among student participants in...
College students of color are less likely to seek and to receive mental health treatment even though they have similar rates of diagnosable mental illness compared to white students, according to two organizations that point to a general rise in the demand for mental health and wellness﹐riented ...