The 2016 presidential election has been kind to Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, but not Jeb Bush. His poll numbers have been terrible. He could only manage a piddly 6th place in last week’s Iowa caucus, and his chances in the New Hampshire primary toda
“First Job” stuck out as extremely successful for Jeb Bush’s campaign. The Jeb Bush 2016 Campaign Advertisement, “First Job” is successful in promoting Jeb Bush as a Presidential candidate by using images that appeal to Americans, incorporating a personal and professional connection, the ...
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, once considered the Republican Party's most likely presidential nominee, is ending his campaign after a dismal showing in South Carolina's primary. "The people of Iowa and New Hampshire and South Carolina have spoken, and I really respect their decision, so tonigh...
The author reflects on the presidential campaign delivered by former Florida Governor Jeb Bush in MacAllen, Texas, wherein he has delivered his message regarding immigration and to raise money, citing how he delivered speech, stage presence, and how he tackled immigration topic....
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush announced Saturday night that he is dropping out of the 2016 presidential race. "I am proud of the campaign that we have run to unify our country and to advocate conservative solutions that would give more Americans the opportunity to rise up and reach their god...
BERLIN --Former Florida Gov.Jeb Bushis off to Europe this week, where he’ll visit leaders in Germany, Poland, and Estonia before returning to the United States to announce his presidential campaign on June 15 in Miami. Bush will open the trip on Tuesday in Berlin with a speech at an ...
One person who met with Bush recently told me the former governor spoke passionately on foreign policy and economics and sounded very much like someone who plans to mount a presidential campaign. This person said Bush's main concern remains the impact of a campaign on his family, particularly ...
RELATED:Jeb Bush’s message for Monday launch: ‘We can fix these things’ Over the weekend, Bush released his campaign logo —“Jeb!”— essentially the same as the logo he used during his campaigns for governor of Florida, though this one does specify “2016." It doesn’t include his...
Former President George W. Bush assured top donors to his brother's presidential campaign that Jeb Bush will be a "fierce competitor" in the 2016 race for the White House.
On the presidential campaign trail Monday, Republican Jeb Bush defended his use of the term "anchor babies." Bush said his use of the term is more directed towards Asian people, not Hispanics. CBS News chief White House correspondent Major Garr