Jeb Bush on Trump: I told you soMichelle Mark
Bush also advocated for immigration reform and greater fiscal responsibility with an eye to modernizing the GOP. "The 21st-century conservative agenda cannot be nostalgic about the past," Bush said. In an apparent dig at Mr. Trump, Bush also said that he returned to his family after losing t...
“It seems to be backfiring, based on the polls. It seems to be somewhat backfiring on Jeb," Trump added. "So far everyone that has attacked me has gone down. Let’s see what happens." Ad Wars: Jeb Bush and Donald Trump Duke It Out ...
Bush looked ahead to the general election and said Trump's candidacy also means "conservatism is temporarily dead." "If you look at it, we have two candidates," Bush said. "Donald Trump is barely a Republican. He's certainly not a conservative." ...
而 Jeb Bush 和 Hillary Clinton 的一个共同特点,就是他们其实是已经是政坛的老恐龙了。一方面是因为...
Bush, who himself was unable to defeat Mr. Trump in the 2016 Republican primaries, said beating him in 2020 will be tough for anyone because the president has a "strong, loyal base" and it's difficult to defeat a sitting president. ...
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) wants a Republican to challenge President Trump in the 2020 primary. “I think someone should run. Just because Republicans ought to be given a choice,” Bush said in an interview that will air Saturday on CNN’s “The Ax
The 2016 GOP field would have beenplenty crowded even if Bush and Trump had chosen to sit out. At least seven credible GOP candidates, a big but not outlandish field, were lining up well before Bush’s entrance was even considered a viable possibility: Senators Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and R...