在淘宝,您不仅能发现Jean Paul Gaultier 高缇耶 Ultra Male 超及男士 男士香水 125ML的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于Jean Paul Gaultier 高缇耶 Ultra Male 超及男士 男士香水 125ML的信息,请来
Jean-Paul Gaultier显得格外自豪:“Ma Dame所指的并非淑女,她是我的灵感缪斯,她带给我惊喜与快乐。”2010年,Ma Dame展现出她不为人知的另一面,推出更优雅自信的淡香精版本,在麝香和雪松中添加黑玫瑰,散发不同的花香魅力,瓶身的亮黑色与霓光粉,设计出前所未有的崭新悸动。Ma Dame淡香2010“Ma Dame”也令Jean...
Here is a bottle of Ultramale which I modelled and textured in Blender. The project offered more challenges compared to the other bottles I have been making, mainly due to the organic bottle design, and also the poly count was difficult because there is a ‘Gaultier’ stamp on the back ...