The 300th birthday of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: An introduction by the editorEmotion regulationEmotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQMeasurement invarianceReappraisalSuppressionUsing an ecological framework (Bronfenbrenner, 1979), and the specific concepts outlined in the "Six-C's Model" of contributors to ...
Jean-Jacques Rousseau 作者: Starobinski 出版社: University of Chicago Press副标题: Transparency and Obstruction原作名: Jean-Jacques Rousseau. La transparence et l'obstacle译者: Arthur Goldhammer 出版年: 1988-5-1页数: 460定价: GBP 19.25装帧: Paperback...
Introduction Rousseau, Jean Jacquesro͞osōˈ[key], 1712–78, Swiss-French philosopher, author, political theorist, and composer. Sections in this article: Introduction Influence Rousseau's Thought Life and Works Bibliography The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,6th ed. Copyright © 2025, Columbia...
Reveries of the Solitary Walker - Jean-Jacques Rousseau Introduction A Brief Chronology First Walk Second Walk Third Walk Fourth Walk Fifth Walk Sixth Walk Seventh Walk Eighth Walk Ninth Walk Tenth Walk 中商进口商城(微信公众号认证) 中商进口商城中华商务贸易有限公司所运营的英美日韩港台原版图书销售平台...
Jean-Jacques Rousseau TheDiscourseontheOriginand FoundationsofInequalityAmong Men Jean-JacquesRousseau Historical/BiographicalBackground TheDiscourseonInequality TheNaturalConditionoftheHumanSpecies TheChainofBeing Rousseau‟sNaturalMan I.Historical/Biographical ...
论人类不平等的起源PDF英文原版原著PDF电子书下载 A Discourse Upon The Origin And The Foundation Of The Inequality Among Mankind,作者中文名:让·雅克·卢梭,作者英文名:Jean, Jacques Rousseau
A、法国的让-雅克卢梭(Jean-Jacques Rousseau) B、法国的爱米尔涂尔干(Emil C、美国的约翰杜威(John Dewey) 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: 3.法国建筑师、理论家、新古典主义的代表人物让·尼古拉斯·路易斯·迪朗(Jean-Nicolas-LouisDurand)将()对建筑本身的分类被看作集合成“类型”的准则。 A:内在结构构造...
This paper reconstructs Rousseau’s claims that the drive for recognition (amour propre) is the principal source of the evils that beset human societies as well as the precondition of what is most valuable in human life, including love, reason, and the s
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. 1755 [1997]. Discourse on the origin and foundations of inequality among men. In Rousseau: The Discourses and other early political writings, ed. Victor Gourevitch, 111–222. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sepinwall, Alyssa Goldstein. 2000. Exporting the Revolution...