让-雅克·卢梭(Jean-Jacques Rousseau,1712年6月28日—1778年7月2日),法国十八世纪启蒙思想家、哲学家、教育家、文学家,民主政论家和浪漫主义文学流派的开创者,启蒙运动代表人物之一。... 关注话题 管理 分享 百科 讨论 精华 等待回答
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, an educational thinker and philosopher whose influence educators feel today, wrote a treatise in 1762 titled Emile or On Education where he shared his educational philosophy and ideology on the importance of a specific book, individualism, natural education, and stages of ...
Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Soundtrack: The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. Jean-Jacques Rousseau was born on 28 June 1712 in Geneva, Switzerland. He was a writer, known for The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969), Jours de France (2016) and Le Devin du Village (1962
Jean-Jacques Rousseau- French philosopher and writer born in Switzerland; believed that the natural goodness of man was warped by society; ideas influenced the French Revolution (1712-1778) Rousseau Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
让-雅克·卢梭(Jean-Jacques Rousseau),1712 年 6 月 28 日出生于日内瓦,1778 年 7 月 2 日逝世于埃尔默农维尔,是一位日内瓦作家、哲学家和音乐家。卢梭很小就成了孤儿,他的生活充满了漂泊。他的书籍和信件从 1749 年开始就获得了巨大的成功,但也给他带来了与天主教会和日内瓦共和国的冲突,迫使他经常改变...
This paper proposes to reread the pedagogical novel Emile or On Education from a psychological perspective because we can find many ideas, extremely original and modern for that period, regar...
Jean-Jacques Rousseau让·斯塔罗宾斯基 / Gallimard / 1976-09-22出版 想读 在读 读过 豆瓣评分TM打开App评分 9.6 21人评分短评 打开App写短评 Prévoir2019-11-22 19:43:57 经典作品,法式文本分析与文科学术写作的典范,绝对值得细细品读。全篇基本都在这个写作思路下展开:紧扣关键词intro,适当引用... 展开 ...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《双语译林:论人类不平等的起源和基础》,作者:(法国)让-雅克·卢梭 (Jean-Jacques Rousseau) 著,出版社:译林出版社。最新《双语译林:论人类不平等的起源和基础》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《双语译
N°2760 Jean-Jacques Rousseau(九月 20, 2013)Season 1, Episode 2,760-Self / Cinéaste Born to Film(2004) Self L'étrange festival(2001) (TV Short)-Self L'Oeil du cyclone(1997) (TV Series)-Self(1 episode, 1997) La Belge Histoire: Dossier Jean-Jacques Rousseau(三月 1, 1997)Season 1,...