(查看原文) 日常诗人 1赞 2012-02-01 13:00:46 —— 引自第817页 这种表面上极其愤世嫉俗、极其阴郁的禀性,实际上是来源自一颗过分热烈、过分多情、过分温柔的心,因为找不到与自己相似的心,而不得不沉湎于空想。鼓动我难,拉住我也难。这就是我惯常的脾性。 (查看原文) 郭大侠 1赞 2012-02-02 ...
Rousseau believed that each student should have a tutor who guides or facilitates the learning in a natural environment surrounded by nature. To support the learning, Rousseau recommended that the student read one book for both enjoyment and to complement the learning process. This special book, ...
本段实际上是以嘲弄及自嘲式的语气调侃了从功利主义(人们为公共利益而建立社会契约)论证和建立公意的常识是多么不合理。ds概括了以下几个点(有人工调整): 1、人性二元论的制度困境——卢梭在此揭示了"人"与"公民"的双重身份裂痕:作为自然存在的个体(homme)受个别意志(volonté particulière)驱动,追求自我保存与利益...
What did Jean-Jacques Rousseau believe about man? Jean Jacques Rousseau believed that man was naturally good but prone to corruption by society. In society, individuals become enamored with amour propre, a kind of vanity, in which they pursue distinction and often end up dominating others. Who ...
Some of Rousseau's main ideas included: belief that man was born basically good, and idea that society is what corrupts mankind. He also believed in a social contract that maintained the relationship and balance between a government and its citizens. What is Jean-Jacques Rousseau best known for...
Jean-Jacques Rousseau- French philosopher and writer born in Switzerland; believed that the natural goodness of man was warped by society; ideas influenced the French Revolution (1712-1778) Rousseau Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Jean-Jacques Rousseau让·斯塔罗宾斯基 / Gallimard / 1976-09-22出版 想读 在读 读过 豆瓣评分TM打开App评分 9.6 21人评分短评 打开App写短评 Prévoir2019-11-22 19:43:57 经典作品,法式文本分析与文科学术写作的典范,绝对值得细细品读。全篇基本都在这个写作思路下展开:紧扣关键词intro,适当引用... 展开 ...
让-雅克·卢梭(Jean-Jacques Rousseau) 让-雅克·卢梭是一位出生于瑞士的哲学家,他的作品深深地影响了启蒙思想和后来的民主和革命运动,包括法国大革命。 卢梭在他的《关于不平等起源的论述》中探讨了人类不平等的根源,将人类的自然状态与其腐败的社会条件进行了对比。 他认为,在自然状态下,人类是孤独的、和平的、...
Jean-Jacques Rousseau(让-雅克·卢梭)简介 让-雅克·卢梭在法语城邦日内瓦出生和长大,日内瓦现在是瑞士的一部分。 他的母亲出生在日内瓦的上层阶级,在分娩时去世,所以卢梭主要由他的父亲抚养长大,他的父亲是一位制表师,他把他的行业和公民美德感传给了他的儿子。 具体来说,卢梭的父亲为拥有该市大多数居民所缺乏的...