Social contract theorist Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712–1778, is perhaps best known for his philosophical tracts but he also wrote musical compositions, autobiographies, essays on botany, a novel, and a play. In hisSocial Contract, he argued that individuals were by nature good but that society co...
Social contract theorist Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712鈥 1778, is perhaps best known for his philosophical tracts but he also wrote musical compositions, autobiographies, essays on botany, a novel, and a play. In his Social Contract , he argued that individuals were by nature good but that ...
本段实际上是以嘲弄及自嘲式的语气调侃了从功利主义(人们为公共利益而建立社会契约)论证和建立公意的常识是多么不合理。ds概括了以下几个点(有人工调整): 1、人性二元论的制度困境——卢梭在此揭示了"人"与"公民"的双重身份裂痕:作为自然存在的个体(homme)受个别意志(volonté particulière)驱动,追求自我保存与利益...
Jean-Jacques Rousseau was born in Geneva in 1712. He was a writer and political theorist of the Enlightenment. In 1750 he published his first important work 'A Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts' (1750) where he argued that man had become corrupted by society and civilisation. In 1755...
Jean-Jacques Rousseau让·斯塔罗宾斯基 / Gallimard / 1976-09-22出版 想读 在读 读过 豆瓣评分TM打开App评分 9.6 21人评分短评 打开App写短评 Prévoir2019-11-22 19:43:57 经典作品,法式文本分析与文科学术写作的典范,绝对值得细细品读。全篇基本都在这个写作思路下展开:紧扣关键词intro,适当引用... 展开 ...
See Jean-Jacques Rousseau's contact, representation, publicist, and legal information. Explore Jean-Jacques Rousseau's credits, follow attached in-development titles, and track popularity with STARmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainmen
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《双语译林:论人类不平等的起源和基础》,作者:(法国)让-雅克·卢梭 (Jean-Jacques Rousseau) 著,出版社:译林出版社。最新《双语译林:论人类不平等的起源和基础》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在,网购《双语译
Jean-Jacques Rousseau(让-雅克·卢梭)简介 让-雅克·卢梭在法语城邦日内瓦出生和长大,日内瓦现在是瑞士的一部分。 他的母亲出生在日内瓦的上层阶级,在分娩时去世,所以卢梭主要由他的父亲抚养长大,他的父亲是一位制表师,他把他的行业和公民美德感传给了他的儿子。 具体来说,卢梭的父亲为拥有该市大多数居民所缺乏...
(Short)-Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Director, Editor, Writer Furor Teutonicus(1999) (Short)-Director, Writer €20K L'histoire du cinéma 16(1982) Camera Operator, Cinematographer, Director, Editor, Producer The Diabolical Dr. Flak(1980) Camera Operator, Cinematographer, Director, Editor, Producer ...
所属专辑:卢梭全集(法语)J. J. Rousseau 音频列表 1 Jean_Jacques_Rousseau_-_Du_Contrat_social_L4_chap06 46 2023-01 2 Jean_Jacques_Rousseau_-_Du_Contrat_social_L4_chap05 32 2023-01 3 Jean_Jacques_Rousseau_-_Du_Contrat_social_L4_chap04 ...