让-巴蒂斯特·卡尔波(Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux)是拿破仑三世统治下的第二帝国时期的法国雕塑家和画家。 他出生于北瓦伦西亚,是一个泥瓦匠的儿子,他早期的学习是在François Rude的指导下进行的。卡尔波于1844年进入法国美术学院,并于1854年获得罗马大奖赛冠军。为了寻找灵感,他来到罗马学习米开朗基罗、多纳泰罗和委罗基奥...
JEAN BAPTISTE CARPEAUX (1827-1875), French sculptor; was born at Valenciennes, France, on the 11th of May 1827. He was the son of a mason, and passed his early life in extreme poverty. In 1842 he came to Paris, and after working for two years in a drawing-school, was admitted to ...
法国雕塑家Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux的《中国人》,约1867年Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux要制作一个喷泉,上面准备装饰四大洲的女性形象,但在法国没有找到合适的模特,只能将中国人改为男性,当时法国有少量越南华裔和温州人,模特应该就是从这些人中挑选的。旧金山荣勋宫美术馆收藏。 û收藏 转发 评论 ...
法国人Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux在1868年开始制作的雕像:《为何生而为奴》。1848年法国废除奴隶制,时间过得很快,现今世界仍未根除…,大都会艺术博物馆藏品。 û收藏 17 1 ñ33 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 收藏博主 Ü 简介: 淡中有味 ...
视图比例 试用 Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux (1827-1875) Mère avec enfant signed 'B.te Carpeaux' (lower left) and numbered '81' (lower right) graphite and charcoal on buff paper 4¾ x 3½ in. (12 x 8.8 cm.) 展览 Maine, Portland Art Museum, November 1991- June 2002 (on extended loan)...
将“Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux"翻译成中文 让-巴蒂斯·卡尔波是将“Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux"翻译成 中文。 Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux + 加 法文-中文字典 让-巴蒂斯·卡尔波 HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux "自动翻译成 中文 ...
拍品专文 When first unveiled in Paris on 27 July 1869, Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux'sLa Dansecaused an immense scandal. The large group, representing the Spirit or Genius of Dance surrounded by six bacchantes and a putto was one of four commissioned by Charles Garnier in 1865 to decorate the gro...
Reviews of Books: Jean-Baptiste CarpeauxSpencer, Warren F
Wanting to expand his horizons, he enrolled at the École des Beaux Arts, studying under Jean-Léon Gérôme as well as another sculptor/painter, Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux. Forain's quick and often biting wit allowed him to befriend poets Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine as well as many ...
The Passions of Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux (Metropolitan Museum of Art) prcDesigning Democracy: Re-education And The America Houses (1945-1961). The American Information Centers And Their Involvement In Democratic ... GermanAuthor: James David Draper...