Element IV $549.00 Covered by our 2-year transferable warranty Simplified Audio, Re-engineered We redesigned Element II to maximize your desktop audio experience. Element II packs the performance you expect from JDS Labs into a precision machined aluminum chassis, with an equally impressive 32/384k...
The Element is a timeless mechanical design which has remained in demand for over four years with only minor electronics improvements. While we could keep building the same, we’re excited to share more of our best work.Element II has been re-engineered as the flagship JDS Labs amp+DAC and...
LOVE the copper ring around the volume knob. The Element by @jdslabs is my new desktop DAC. Nov 2, 2018 I have had A LOT of audio equipment over the course of my life, but man my @jdslabs element is my favorite. (paired with @Audeze LCD-2's) ...
New JDS Labs Element arrived today. Just gonna hang out in my office with headphones all night. Dan M. My new custom Objective 2 is truly my new secret weapon for mixing university assignments. Sounds amazing with my 2i4 and K702 headphones. Thanks guys! :) ...
JDS Labs merits recognition for its value-oriented DACs and amplifiers in the desktop audio community. But did you know they also have a more premium Element line? Today, we examine the Element II, an integrated DAC/amp that aims to be a one-stop shop fo
updated regularly as we add new firmwares for the JDS Labs Element II, EL DAC II(+), and Atom DAC(+). Versions highlighted in bold are the default you should expect to receive if ordering today. If you know what you need, jump to Installation. Atom DAC+ EL DAC II+ Element II […...
等不及了,黑五决定搞一发JDS LABS Element,虽然网上各种设备的搭配都不明觉厉,起码JDS LABS Element应该还算稳妥,总归要试试推起来的HD650啥样吧,于是果断入手。喜欢他们可以免费在机壳上刻上去自己喜欢的图案或者左右铭,三天到货。本来要直接去他们实验室参观顺便买的,结果人家黑五关门。。忙了一天,疲惫或者压力...
jds labs是美国最大的生产objective系列产品的作坊,可以说jds出产的odac+o2一体机几乎占了美国入门级市场的半壁江山(其余半壁是屎家的双m入门套)。jds卖odac和o2好几年,后来出了进阶版的element,依旧坚持“客观”,以参数漂亮为卖点。然后今年年初jds出了最新的产品,入门的ol dac(odac的升级版)和el dac(与element...
JDS Labs Atom DAC+ JDS Labs Element III JDS Labs EL DAC II+ JDS Labs EL DAC II+ Balanced JDSLabsUsbAudioks.cat 文件下载 本着简便原则,首先,不要急着重新安装整个驱动包,可以先尝试单独对这个文件进行修复。 我们知道,文件损坏一般就两种情况比较常见: ...
JDS Labs had recently re-entered the TechPowerUp review collection with its impressiveElement II, a DAC/amp combo I still use from time to time to test different headphones. I had mentioned in said review that the first time we saw the brand here was with theObjective2line, which is all...