步骤一:打开命令行界面 首先,按下键盘上的Windows键加R键,调出运行对话框,然后键入cmd并回车,即可快速打开Windows的命令提示符(Command Prompt)。步骤二:输入命令查询 在命令提示符的光标下,输入命令java -version,这个命令就是JDK版本检查的神器。只需轻轻敲击回车键,计算机就会启动JDK的版本检测...
JDK版本不匹配导致编译失败 问题现象 通过命令行方式构建HarmonyOS应用或元服务过程中出现构建失败,现象如下图所示。 解决措施 该问题是由于JDK版本不匹配导致,当前配套的版本为JDK ……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
1. Open Command Line or Terminal On Windows, open the Command Promptcmd. On macOS or Linux, open the Terminal. 2. Run the Javac Version Command Thejavaccommand gives the version of theJDK, the Java development kit. In the command prompt or Terminal, type the following command and press ...
Start the IDE, use Help |Find Action(Ctrl+Shift+A or Cmd+Shift+A on Mac), type "Choose Boot Java Runtime for the IDE", pressEnter. Select the versionto install, the higher the number afterb, the more recent is the version. It makes sense to install the most recent...
3、cmd验证java-version是否存在 Mac下搭建Java开发环境 安装JDK 官方下载.dmg,直接安装(JDK包含JRE,所以不用安装JRE) 卸载JDK You must have Administrator privileges. Do not attempt to uninstall Java by removing the Java tools from/usr/bin. This directory is part of the system software and any change...
jcmd[pid | main-class] command... | PerfCounter.print | -f filenamejcmd[-l]jcmd-h pid和main-class是二选一:其中pid表示要发送诊断命令的java进程id。也可以指定main-class,表示要发送诊断命令给运行该main-class的java进程。command表示可以在jcmd中运行的命令,我们看下jcmd支持哪些命令:./jcmd 93989...
{JAVA_HOME...}/lib export PATH=$PATH:${JAVA_HOME}/bin 2.保存退出 备注:(/usr/local/jdk/jdk1.8.0_241 这个路径为解压后的jdk文件夹路径)...测试 使用javac命令,不会出现command not found 错误 使用java -version,出现版本为java version "XXXX" echo $PATH,看看自己刚刚设置的的环境变量配置是否都...
Consuming Dockerfiles must use the CMD instruction to complete the command-line arguments of the JVM launcher process.Create a Dockerfile with the following contents:Dockerfile Afrita FROM mcr.microsoft.com/openjdk/jdk:17-distroless COPY app.jar /app.jar CMD ["-Xmx256m", "-jar", "/app....
Applications usingRuntime.execorProcessBuilderwith a security manager to invoke.bator.cmdand command names that do not end in ".exe" may be more restrictive in the characters accepted for arguments if they contain double-quote, "&", "|", "<", ">", or "^". The arguments passed to appl...
export CLASSPATH=${JAVA_HOME...}/lib export PATH=$PATH:${JAVA_HOME}/bin 2.保存退出 备注:(/usr/local/jdk/jdk1.8.0_241 这个路径为解压后的jdk文件夹路径)...通过命令:source /etc/profile 让profile文件立即生效 四、测试 使用javac命令,不会出现command not found 错误 使用java -version,出现...