此项设置并不会把jdk打包进exe中,只是一个相对jdk路径设置。 例如本次设置需要在exe同级目录下有jdk文件夹,并且文件夹名需要相同。 ps:此路径可有手动输入 13. 完成 Messages 和 Complie executable 直接下一步生成就可以 三. Inno Setup 将exe程序集成jdk打包成安装程序 1. 下载地址:https://jrsoftware.org/is...
Using Java Web Start with Netscape 6.x/7.x:For Netscape 6.x/7.x users, setup the Java Web Start MIME type (JNLP) in the Edit->Preferences->Navigator->Helper Applications section. The file extension isjnlp; MIME Type isapplication/x-java-jnlp-file. It should be handled by thejavawsex...
To add a new JDK specify the home folder of the Java 21 installation on your disk This option is useful to check if the issue you might have is specific to JetBrains Runtime or is common to this Java version from all the vendors. It helps to isolate and fix issues wit...
Consolidated Release Notes for JDK 8 and JDK 8 Update Releases BPR builds are available only as commercial offerings to Oracle customers. They include fixes critical to customers that could not wait until the next scheduled release. Fixes introduced on BPRs are added to later GA releases....
在进行SDK Components Setup时发现,路径也没有中文和空格,sdk无法勾选。 这时需要查看代理,选择no proxy可解决。 在配置sdk时报错: 参考了这个帖子:https://www.jianshu.com/p/aa4ce35d1c52 简单说就是,首先需要安装android studio,然后在Tools>SDK Manager中,找到SDK Tools面板,如下 ...
1.2 File -> New Projects Setup -> Structure 1.3 Project -> SDK - 选择本地JDK版本 SDKs - 自动加载 Apply -> OK 后生效 1.5 配置项目编译器版本 File -> New Projects Settings ->Settings for New Projects 2、配置Maven环境 File -> New Projects Settings ->Settings for New Projects 2.1 搜索“...
env:SEGMENT_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT_MINS:'5'steps: -uses:actions/checkout@v4-uses:actions/setup-java@v4with:distribution:'temurin'java-version:'21'cache:'gradle'-run:./gradlew build --no-daemon Check latest In the basic examples above, thecheck-latestflag defaults tofalse. When set tofalse, the...
在Cygwin官网下载setup-x86_64.exe程序并双击打开 2. 在下载源中选择从“互联网下载”。根目录自行选择,后面cygwin的虚拟操作系统都会在这个目录下 3. 本地软件包自行选择,并使用“系统代理设置”。在可用的下载站点中选择`https://mirrors.163.com`后等待进入“选择程序包” 4. 在“选择程序包”的查看中选择...
To create a log file describing the installation, append/L C:\path\setup.logto the install command and scroll to the end of the log file to verify. The following is an example of creating a log file: msiexec.exe /iinstaller.msi/L C:\path\setup.log ...
一、1. JDK安装 1. 搜索oracle.com 进入官网 2. 选择products下的Java 3. 点击download java 4. 点击Java archive查看历史版本 5. 选择一个版本进行下载 6. 我的电脑是windows系统的 所以选择下载jdk-8u331-windows-x64.exe 下载java8 稳定版本