解决办法:选中项目 Properties , 选择 Project Facets,右击选择 Java , Change Version 然后在里面选择jdk1.8版本。
1. 打开IntelliJ IDEA,点击"File"菜单,选择"Project Structure"。2. 在弹出的窗口中,选择"Project SDK",如果已经设置了JDK,则会显示已经设置的路径和版本信息。如果没有,则需要点击右边的"New"按钮,选择已经安装的JDK路径。3. 点击"OK"按钮保存设置。如果你仍然遇到"project jdk is not defined"的错误,可...
Bug description I just upgraded to Unity 2022.2.1f1 and game-ci/unity-builder@v2.1.2 The build for most platforms works fine. Only Android build has issues because the JDK is not found: 2023-01-09T11:27:13.6923522Z DisplayProgressbar: De...
1.出现此问题有可能是安装的jdk版本过高导致的,可以换一个版本低些的jdk安装上再次试一试,如:8u211版本 2.有可能是由于注册表HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\路径下没有Java Development Kit项导致的,可以手动造一个reg文件导入(由txt文件后缀改为reg),文件内容: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY...
When attempting to run the image creator utility (snic.sh) to create the installation image for Server (for OEL 6.5), the utility is failing with JAVA_HOME.ERROR---JDK/JRE not found. Please set JAVA_HOME Environment Variable to the correct value.ENVIRONMENT--- on OEL...
applications. If you are using Java on a desktop or laptop computer as part of any business operations, that is not personal use. For example, you could use a Java productivity application to do your own homework or your personal taxes, but you could not use it to do your business ...
If it is not working for you, you may create a support ticket with logs folder attached. 0 GucciDiet Created March 26, 2020 20:39 Thank you, Konstantin. I uninstalled everything from Jet and will not attempt to use it again. Just found 3 other appealing IDEs apart from Eclipse...
haven't been found before or not findingannotationsanymore where they have previously been found ...
Trying to open VisualVM outputs following error: VisualVM log Version of OpenJDK is not supported. Please use the default-jdk. Desktop (please complete the following information): OS: Ubuntu Version 22.04.3 LTS Additional context java -v...
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver I confirm that PyCharm is running as 64-bit: PyCharm 2016.1.3 Build #PY-145.971, built on May 3, 2016 JRE: 1.8.0_05-b13 amd64 JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM by Oracle ...