为了方便设置开机自启动以及管理Tomcat服务,我们可以将其添加为Windows服务。打开命令行窗口,进入Tomcat的bin目录下,执行以下命令: service.bat install tomcat 执行完毕后,系统会自动将Tomcat添加为名为“tomcat”的服务。现在就可以通过服务管理器来管理Tomcat的启动、停止和重启等操作了。至此,我们已经完成了在Windows系统...
During JDK install, a Java Development Kit folder is created in the Windows Start Menu, which containsReference Documentation, which opens the Online API documentation web page. During JDK install and uninstall processes, the appropriate start menu items are updated to be associated with the latest...
Install JDK in silent mode using the command: jdk.exe /s Note: The notationjdkstands for the downloaded installer file base name, such asjdk-17_windows-x64_bin.exe. You don't need to run theADDLOCALcommand anymore as everything gets installed by default. ...
Look for the PATH statement. Notice that the PATH statement is a series of directories separated by semi-colons (;). Microsoft Windows looks for programs in the PATH directories in order, from left to right. Look for other JDK software versions in the PATH. There should only be one path ...
首先是选择JDK版本,JDK8/JDK11/JDK16/JDK17,然后选择系统,你是要在window系统上装的就选windows,是Linux就选Linux,然后选择要下载的包,图片里的是X86的,建议选择X64的,往下拉可以看到,然后选择要下载的包。 windows建议.msi的安装包,直接下载安装就好,它会自动配置环境变量。
JDK: jdk_8u60_windows_i586_V8.0.600.27.1440040557.exe 请参考以下步骤,安装配置JDK。 进入Oracle官方网站下载JDK,选择合适的版本下载。 单击安装程序,进行JDK安装。 选择JDK的安装路径。 选择JRE的安装路径。 至此JDK安装完成。 配置环境变量。在系统变量中需要新建2个变量,大小写不区分,如果存在相同变量名,请使...
Expand-Archive -Path "$env:USERPROFILE\downloads\openjdk-17.0.2_windows-x64_bin.zip" -DestinationPath "C:\Program Files\Java" -Force Assuming the OpenJDK archive is located in your downloads folder, this command extracts it to the “C:\Program Files\Java” folder. The destination folder ...
选择64位windows zip 解压启动 service.bat install 1. 环境变量1 CATALINA_HOME D:\software\tomcat\apache-tomcat-9.0.31-windows-x64\apache-tomcat-9.0.31 1. 2.PATH %CATALINA%\bin %CATALINA%\lib 1. 2. 测试:先开启startup.bat http://localhost:8080 ...
For Windows, Linux, and macOS, we produce ZIP (Windows) and TAR.GZ (Linux/macOS) packages. To install, extract one of these packages in a folder of your choice, then set theJAVA_HOMEenvironment variable to that folder. Alternately, you can use native installers for your OS of choice, ...