Here are the steps to download JDK 8 for Windows 10 64-bit from the official Oracle website: Visit the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Java SE download page:Oracle JDK 8 Downloads Scroll down to the “Java SE Development Kit 8uXXX” section, where “XXX” represents the update number. ...
JDK的下载 往下拉,看到Developer Downloads,点击java 点击Java (JDK) for Developers 选择你想要下载的jdk版本 点击JDK Downloads,往下拉, (有可能会提示先登录账号,才能下载。没账号的可以注册一个) 我的系统是Windows的 64位,个人偏爱压缩版, 所以选择了 (压缩版的话,放到指...
在最右侧 Download 一列中找到jdk-15.0.1_windows-x64_bin.exe一项,单击鼠标左键。
Save 30% of RAM for Spring Boot with Alpaquita Containers DownloadLiberica JDK Pick a version, package type, JDK/JRE, and download the binaries. Release notes Installation guide Supported Configurations Terms of use Source code Windows Liberica 21.0.6+10, Windows 64 bit, Standard ...
Save 30% of RAM for Spring Boot with Alpaquita Containers DownloadLiberica JDK Pick a version, package type, JDK/JRE, and download the binaries. Release notes Installation guide Supported Configurations Terms of use Source code Windows Liberica 21.0.6+10, Windows 64 bit, Standard ...
向下拉,找到自己操作系统对应的版本。我的电脑是windows10 64位的操作系统,所以我选择windows x64这个...
WindowsAArch64 / ARM64zipmicrosoft-jdk-17.0.14-windows-aarch64.zipsha256/sig OpenJDK 11 OpenJDK 11.0.26 LTS |See previous releases Expand table OpenJDK 8 If you still require Java 8, please download any of theEclipse Temurin builds of OpenJDK 8from the Eclipse Adoptium project. ... 适用平台:windows x64 jdk版本:1.8 安装方式:双击安装即可 上传者:FL1623863129时间:2023-11-15 jdk-8版本安装包 jdk-8版本安装包、 jdk-8版本安装包、 jdk-8版本安装包 jdk-8版本安装包、 jdk-8版本安装包、 jdk-8版本安装包 jdk-8版本...
学习Java,需要下载并安装JDK(Java Development Kit,Java开发工具包);而为了能够快捷打开java程序,就需要按照操作系统的要求进行环境变量的配置。 一、下载并安装JDK (一)下载JDK 搜索“jdk官方下载”或是直接进入Sun公司的官网 下拉到页尾,点击“Download Java for Developers”,进入Java开发的下载页面 ...
System Requirements for Installing the JDK on 64-Bit Windows Platform For supported processors and browsers, seeOracle JDK Certified Systems Configurations. JDK Installation Instruction Notation for Windows JDK installers now support only one version of any Java feature release. You can't install multipl...