以下是连接到数据库的一般步骤: 【1】加载数据库驱动程序:要连接到数据库,必须首先加载适当的数据库驱动程序。可以使用Class.forName()方法来加载驱动程序类。例如,如果您要连接到MySQL数据库,则需要加载com.mysql.jdbc.Driver类。 加载com.mysql.jdbc.Driver类 【2】创建连接对象:通过使用DriverManager.getConnection()...
application.yml 配置文件 spring: application: name: sharding-jdbc-demo datasource: driver-class-name: org.apache.shardingsphere.driver.ShardingSphereDriver url: jdbc:shardingsphere:classpath:sharding-config.yaml #分表配置文件 profiles: active: defaultmybatis-plus: configuration: ...
Re: windows - tomcat - jdbc - "unable to connect" linux instead of windows is finePosted by: Niels Date: December 30, 2004 04:09PM I removed alll versions and tried 2 connectors, I have tried to place them in 2 positions (WEB-INF/lib & lib/ext) with the same errors: mysql-...