A JDBC resource (data source) provides applications with a means of connecting to a database. Typically, the administrator creates a JDBC resource for each database accessed by the applications deployed in a domain. (However, more than one JDBC resource can be created for a database.) To cr...
# JDBC API 相关类与方法java.sql.DriverManager#setLoginTimeoutjavax.sql.CommonDataSource#setLoginTimeoutjava.sql.Connection#getNetworkTimeoutjava.sql.Connection#setNetworkTimeoutjava.sql.Statement#setQueryTimeout# oracle JDBC driver 相关类与方法oracle.jdbc.OracleDriveroracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource#setLoginT...
You must use this driver for Java code that runs on the JVM embedded in the Database server and accesses the same Database session. It means that the code runs and accesses data from a single Database session. This driver is also known as the JDBC KPRB Driver. This driver is built in...
publicstaticConnectiongetConnection(String url,String user,String password)throws SQLException{java.util.Properties info=newjava.util.Properties();ClassLoader callerCL=DriverManager.getCallerClassLoader();if(user!=null){info.put("user",user);}if(password!=null){info.put("password",password);}//调了...
()method of theoracle.jdbc.OracleConnectioninterface to create a JDBC-style of registration. To activate query change notification instead of object change notification you can set the option,OracleConnection.DCN_QUERY_CHANGE_NOTIFICATIONto "true". Using this option means that when you register a...
PageableandSortparameters are also fully supported, which means you getpaging and sorting by arbitrary properties for free. For example, say you haveUserRepositoryextendingPagingAndSortingRepository<User, String>interface (implemented for you by the library) and you request 5th page ofUSERStable, 10 ...
0The number of milliseconds to wait before a timeout is occurred on a socket read or accept. The default value is 0, which means infinite timeout. statementPooling... CacheSize int 0(Version 6.4+) This property can be used to enable prepared statement handle caching in the driver. ...
Means no default timeout is used, and no maximum timeout is enforced on clients. In this case, the transactions have a timeout only if the client sets a timeout using XAResource.setTransactionTimeout. XADefaultTimeout = 60,XAMaxTimeout = 0 ...
(rs.next()) {// read the result setSystem.out.println("name = "+rs.getString("name"));System.out.println("id = "+rs.getInt("id")); } }catch(SQLExceptione) {// if the error message is "out of memory",// it probably means no database file is founde.printStackTrace(System....
NONE means the cursor is always closed after a commit or rollback, while COMMIT means the cursor remains valid after a commit, but not after rollback. Holding cursors, particularly hold over rollback, causes the SAP HANA server to use more resources. Support for holding a cursor over ROLLBA...