String url = "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=mydatabase"; String user = "username"; String password = "password"; try { connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password); System.out.println("Successfully connected to SQL Server database!"); } catch (SQLException e)...
本節提供下列作業的快速入門指示:使用適用於 SQL Server 的 Microsoft JDBC 驅動程式來建立與 SQL Server 資料庫的簡易連線。
System.out.println("Authentication Scheme: "+ rs.getString(1)); } } 服務主體名稱 服務主要名稱 (SPN) 是用戶端用以唯一識別服務執行個體的名稱。 您可以使用serverSpn連線屬性指定 SPN,或直接讓驅動程式為您建置 (預設)。 此屬性的格式為:"MSSQLSvc/fqdn:port@REALM",其中 fqdn ...
String connectionUrl = "jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=DBNAME;failoverPartner="; (failoverPartner的ip可加端口也可不加) 这样的话,如果主库挂了,会自动请求连接镜像库的。 The syntax of the failover partner keyword is slightly different from one connection method to anothe...
This article lists the releases of the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server. For each release version, the changes are named and described.
SQL Server 身份验证连接字符串为 String connectionUrl = "jdbc:sqlserver://<ServerName>:<PortNum>;user=<MySQLAuthAccount>;password=<MyPassword>;trustServerCertificate=true;"没有集成安全性的 Windows AD 身份验证连接字符串为 String connectionUrl = "jdbc:sqlserver://<ServerName>:<PortNum>;user=<...
创建到 SQL Server 数据库的连接的最简便方法是加载 JDBC 驱动程序,然后调用 DriverManager 类的 getConnection 方法,如下所示: Java Class.forName(""); String connectionUrl ="jdbc:sqlserver://localhost;encrypt=true;database=AdventureWorks;integratedSecurity=true;"Con...
然后对项目javaJDBC点击右键添加一个lib文件夹,将sqljdbc4.jar复制到lib文件夹中。对sqljdbc4点右键,出现如下菜单 点击Add to Build Path,然后导入如下命名空间: importjava.sql.Connection; importjava.sql.DriverManager; importjava.sql.SQLException; 接下来,我们就可以编写代码了,但是上面我们提到SQL Server 2008中...
import java.sql.*; /** * * @author dongjichao */ public class TestDB { /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { // Create a variable for the connection string. String connectionUrl = "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;" + ...
If you take connection string information from an external source, such as a user supplying a user ID and password, you must validate any input from the source to ensure that it follows the correct format and doesn't contain extra parameters that affect your connection....