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For over 30 years, JDA has been the leading provider of end-to-end, integrated retail and supply chain planning and execution solutions. <META> KEYWORDS 1supply chain 2supply chain software 3supply chain management 4scm 5supply chain solutions ...
JDA is an old supply chain solutions company, but it is trying to transform itself into an agile company with products that are enhanced with the latest tech advancements. benefits and salaries really need to improve. The salary and things like insurance are not up to the mark. 优点 work ...
(SAP APO或SAP IBP)实施经验,熟悉相应领域的业务流程,熟练掌握MRP原理和应用,能够独立完成项目实施; 2、熟练掌握供应链计划系统的需求计划、供应网络计划、主计划、生产计划排程、交付计划 等模块其中之一, 能做Consulting工作,具有良好的业务背景; 3、具备出色的实施能力和团队意识,能够与公司其他顾问一起顺利完成项目...
"I enjoyed the team enviornment and truly enjoyed working for my boss, Mark Mirsky. I learned alot about the Supply Chain Industry, at the same time having the team enviornment and feeling the everyone on the team was there to help at any time. I have nothing bad to say about JDA." ...
TwoPenske Logisticssenior leaders will offer their supply chain expertise at JDA’s conference,FOCUS 2015, which will be held at the World Center Marriott in Orlando, Florida, on April 26 through April 29.Andy Moses, senior vice president of global products, andJoe Carlier, senior vice president...
Baljit S. Dail is the chairman of the board and CEO of JDA Software, the leading provider of cloud-based end-to-end, integrated retail and supply chain planning and execution solutions. Prior to leading JDA he was an operating partner at New Mountain Capital, a private equity firm based in...
JDA representatives have not yet officially commented on this information. Some analysts called the JDA decision a big surprise. For example, Ferrari Consulting and Research Group expert Bob Ferrari, who is also the author of the Supply Chain Matters blog, believes that "all indicators until the ...
Specialties: Supply Chain Management, Global Transportation and Logistics, Executive Sales, Management Consulting, Enterprise Software, General Management. 活动家是第三方嘉宾邀约平台。可根据演讲议题、会议日期、活动预算等要求,为您提供该领域内专业嘉宾演讲邀约服务。您可准备好活动信息后,联系客服电话:18911802888...
Mr. Madhavanur will be responsible for the company’s product solution strategy, development and delivery. He is charged with investing in and developing JDA’s solutions across supply chain planning, execution and retail while harnessing the collective power of cloud, internet of things, analytics ...