Warehouse Operative (Current Employee) - Rochdale, Greater Manchester - 28 October 2024 Rude managers, sitting down/leaning when there's no work will get you a warning which will lead to being fired. Only do job if truly desperate for a few moths work. Decent food I guess. Was this rev...
Walking in, dropping off belongings in the staff room, going to your manager to ask what needs to be done today, then doing that. Work could consist of helping in the warehouse or working on the shop floor 优点 Good pay 缺点 Lots of walking ...
Warehouse FLT, Fifltrst Aid (Former Employee) - Heywood - 22 October 2020 OK place to work some of managers think they are better than what they are and some don't think they are worth a lot other than that it's OK a bit fast but OK Pros Near my house Cons Near my house Was ...