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Our 33rd annual IAFPA Conference will be held on 20-23 July 2025 in Den Haag (The Hague) in the Netherlands, at the ‘Wijnhaven’ part of the Campus Den Haag of the University of Leiden. We are grateful to the team at the Netherlands Forensic Institute, the Dutch Immigration and Naut...
申请(专利权)人: BRAUERS, SVEN, 30451 HANNOVER, DE;BRAUERS, ROUVEN, DEN HAAG, NL 发明人: G Anmelder 摘要: The present invention relates, inter alia, to a device for surfing and the like, in particular a surfboard, with a board-like body having a laminate-coated foam core and an up...
JD is acknowledged as the leading specialist multiple retailer of fashionable branded and own brand sports and casual wear, combining globally recognised brands such as Nike, adidas and The North Face with strong own brand labels such as Pink Soda, Supply & Demand and The Duffer of St George....
VICE Sports: Ha Mike, hoe is FC begonnen? Mike:In 2005 waren we met een groepje vrienden op een voetbaltrip naar Newcastle. Daar kwamen we in een boekwinkel terecht,The Back Page. Voor voetbalverzamelaars is dat heel tof. Er stond een kast met het thema ‘Football Culture’. Vet, ...