In Jing'an District, it would cost around 20 yuan (US$2.75) for a cup of red rose milk tea from local teadrink chain store Chagee from both Meituan and, and about 15 yuan from JD thanks to the waiving of delivery and pa...
Food & Drink How to Save Money on Food at the Cheapest UK Supermarkets Food prices are rising, and many of us are feeling the pinch. So, we’ve rounded up the best ways to save money on food bills at every UK supermarket. Handy!
N冰泉(blispring)Drink in奶茶口香牙膏120g...(领,家居9折券)O网页链接(领,厨具10-5)O网页链接【餐具】买200付50+(可按需组合)N可美瑞特 高颜值创意奶杯 家用带手柄盘套装...N可美瑞特 家用创意琥珀色耐热玻璃双耳餐盘前...N可美瑞特 高颜值千叶陶瓷煲玻璃杯双耳碗套装...N顺祥陶瓷碗餐具家用中式碗筷礼盒套装...
JD 官旗 (¥29.9)创饮Credrink 304保温杯 不锈钢水杯大容量,男女子弹头杯子便携,提手内外双盖学生车载杯480ML 商务黑
It offers a range of products including food and drink, home and lifestyle items, health and beauty products, and clothing. Its primary customers are individuals seeking the convenience of home delivery for their grocery and household needs. The company was founded in 2019 and is based in ...
JIM-BEAM High-ball, Courvoisier Cognac,BOWMORE Whiskey, and HOROYOI RTD fruit drinkfor your selection! We also prepare Various Fun-Games & Draws for you to win more free drinks, including whole bottle of COURVOISIER X...
请注意,京东不接受丢单查询。不同产品的奖励有所不同,某些商品奖励可能会较少或没有奖励,最终待确认里数以京东方面作准。 1. 以上奖励只适用于京东自营店的糖果/巧克力, 车载蓝牙, 电子香薰, 汽车炭包, 车内除味剂, 灭火器, 手机贴膜。所有京东自营店的其他货品类别会获得较少奖励或没有奖励。
JD Supra TeamAviva Cuyler Founder & CEO Fav food:Sushi Adrian Lurssen Co-founder & VP Strategic Development Fav drink:Chinese Tea Eliot Gersten Managing Director Fav food:The 7th Deadly Sin: Pizza Robin (Oliver) Howorka VP Business Development Fav food: Chocolate Laura Gutierrez Director of ...
So this morning, in the York Wetherspoons, I fancied a bacon sandwich, however it didn't come with a drink. Noticing that for roughly the same price, I could have a muffin with bacon and other things on for about 20p more than a bacon sandwich. However I was very disappointed to see...
🍓 Pink Drink 草莓乳酸菌饮料,虽然原价稍高,但四年的情怀值得回味!上次品尝还是在三年前。 🥑 牛油果燕麦酸奶杯,口感丰富,水果、燕麦、酸奶和牛油果泥的完美搭配,牛油果香气浓郁而不腥,每一口都是享受。 🫐 蓝莓轻芝蛋糕,江浙沪限定美味,巧克力海绵蛋糕、芝士蛋糕、蓝莓芝士蛋糕和奶油的组合,口感丰富,满足感...