美国东部时间2023年01月06日,嘉晨西海生物技术有限公司(以下简称“嘉晨西海)宣布,其自主研发的RNA带状疱疹疫苗新药注册临床试验申请 (Investigational New Drug, IND)获得美国食品药品监督管理局 (Food and Drug Administration, FDA)批准进行I 期多中心临床试验。JCXH-105代表着嘉晨西海首个针对潜伏病毒引起的慢性传染病...
在递送方面,JCXH-105使用嘉晨西海特有的即用型 (RTU) 纳米颗粒作为RNA递送载体,在2-8 ℃温度条件下稳定期可以达到至少18个月。我们坚信 JCXH-105成为一款优秀带状疱疹疫苗的巨大潜力。” 本项I 期临床试验是一项随机、双盲、多中心、阳性对照研究,旨在评估 JCXH-105 的安全性、免疫原性并确定推荐的 II 期剂...
“JCXH-105 has been developed using Immorna’s propriety srRNA platform, which features improved immunogenicity and reactogenicity compared to the standard alphavirus RNA replicon. We chose to use srRNA because compared to the non-replicating conventional mRNA, srRNA strongly modulates T cell effecto...
“JCXH-105 has been developed using Immorna’s propriety srRNA platform, which features improved immunogenicity and reactogenicity compared to the standard alphavirus RNA replicon. We chose to use srRNA because compared to the non-replicating conventional mRNA, srRNA strongly modulates T cell effecto...