Order Status To track your order shipping status clickhere. Registration is required to view current or past orders. Members can also set email preferences, billing and shipping address, and credit card information. Gift Cards To purchase JCPenney gift cards clickhere. JCP also offers e-gift card...
I placed an order for two mattresses, no one called me to schedule delivery, when I went to check order status, it said the couldn't find the order. My money returned into my account. So I called them and they said the order was still active, I thought something was fishy so I can...
在下面的網絡跟踪器表格中輸入JCPenney訂單跟踪號,以在線檢查您的JCP包裹,家具運輸,包裹,快遞,人像目錄訂單交付狀態信息。 JCPenney訂單客戶服務部: 電話聯繫電話:1.800.322.1189 電子郵件ID:international@jcpenneyeservices.com 其他類似的信使,您可能想跟踪: - ...