JCL DISP (Disposition) parameteris a Keyword parameter which is used to describe the status of a data set used in JCL to the OS. It indicates the OS on what should be done with the dataset after JOB/STEP termination. It has 3 sub parameters which indicates THE STATUS,Normal & abnormal ...
normal-disposition :如果status为NEW,则默认正常处置为DELETE,否则为KEEP。 abnormal-disposition :与正常处置相同。 DCB 数据控制块(DCB)参数详细说明了数据集的物理特征。 在作业步骤中新创建的数据集需要此参数。 LRECL是数据集中保存的每条记录的长度。 RECFM是数据集的记录格式。 RECFM可以保存值FB,V或VB。 FB...
语法 − DISP = (status, normal-disposition, abnormal-disposition) DD语句中SPACE参数有什么用? SPACE参数指定DASD(直接访问存储磁盘)中数据集所需的空间。 句法 − SPACE = (spcunits, (pri, sec, dir), RLSE) DD语句中DCB参数有什么用? 数据控制块(DCB)参数详细描述了数据集的物理特征。 对于作业...
DD statement的disp参数取值(status:new,mod,shr,old;abnormal disposition:catlg,uncatlg,delete,keep,pass;abnormal dispotion:catlg,uncatlg,delete,keep) <!--[endif]--> <!--[if !supportLists]-->l DCB的取值(recfm:f/fb/v/fb/u; dsorg: ps/pa/da) <!--[endif]--> <!--[if !supportLi...
Q17) MOD, DELETE; What does a disposition of (,DELETE) mean ? A17) The MOD will cause the dataset to be created (if it does not exist), and then the two DELETEs will cause the dataset to be deleted whether the step abends or not. This disposition is used to clear out a dataset...
• Handle file assignments (DD cards), including access modes and disposition as well as GDG files, spool files, etc.• Invoke Cobol programs, including through launchers as well as passing parameters.• Invoke most common utility programs such as file manipulation (IDCAMS, DFSORT, etc...
And why on earth would such a weird disposition be used anyway -- pass the data set to the next step if this step runs normally but catalog the data set if this step abends?A few times i've seen this used (in testing) so that the content of a "new" dataset can be seen when th...
--[endif]--> <!--[if !supportLists]-->l DD statement 的一些参数 vol=ser, disp(disposition) , unit, dcb <!--[endif]--> <!--[if !supportLists]-->l 系统保留的 dd step name: steplib, joblib, sysin, sysabend, sysudump, sysmdump, sysmsg, stepcat, sysprint, sysut1, sysut2 <...
JCL MOCK TEST II Q 1 - Which of the parameters can be coded on both JOB and EXEC?A - TIME B - COND C - ACCT D - All of these Q 2 - How much time Step2 will have for execution, if Step1 will take 2.5 minutes?//TXXXXXX JOB (XXXXX), ’XXXX’, TIME = 4 //STEP1 EXEC...