jcifs.smb.client.dfs.disabled 是一个系统属性(System Property),用于配置 JCIFS(一个开源的 SMB/CIFS 客户端库)的行为。JCIFS 是一个用于在 Java 应用程序中访问 Windows 共享文件系统的库。 2. jcifs.smb.client.dfs.disabled 的作用 该属性用于控制 JCIFS 是否支持 DFS(分布式文件系统)。当设置为 true 时,...
jcifssmb 与windows explorer打开相同的文件相比,JCIFS默认情况下要慢太多了。我找了大半天,总算找出了解决方法,增加如下配置,则读取速度会有质的飞跃,我这边从7s提升至0.2s: ? 1 System.setProperty("jcifs.smb.client.dfs.disabled","true"); 至于原因嘛,我也不知道,我是从此网站捞到的一条配置: http://sam...
jcifssmb 与windows explorer打开相同的文件相比,JCIFS默认情况下要慢太多了。我找了大半天,总算找出了解决方法,增加如下配置,则读取速度会有质的飞跃,我这边从7s提升至0.2s: 1 System.setProperty("jcifs.smb.client.dfs.disabled","true"); 至于原因嘛,我也不知道,我是从此网站捞到的一条配置: http://samba....
"true");jcifsProperties.setProperty("jcifs.smb.client.dfs.disabled","true");Configuration config=ne...
A jcifs.smb.client.dfs.disabled property has been added to disable domain based DFS so that the client does not try and fail to resolve paths as domain paths in non-domain environments (e.g. on the local machine). The getSecurity and getShareSecurity methods will now return null if no ...
第一种:安装smb客户端 yum install –y samba samba-client samba-winbind-clients.x86_64 cifs-utils.x86_64 然后,使用smbclient尝试列出或连接到SMB服务器上的共享资源。以下是一个简单的命令行示例: smbclient -L//SERVER_IP -U username%password
A jcifs.smb.client.dfs.disabled property has been added to disable domain based DFS so that the client does not try and fail to resolve paths as domain paths in non-domain environments (e.g. on the local machine). The getSecurity and getShareSecurity methods will now return null if no ...
jcifs.smb.client.disablePlainTextPasswords jcifs.smb.client.disablePlainTextPasswords Plain text passwords should never be used and are disabled by default.纯文本密码不应该被使用,默认情况下禁用。 To enable jCIFS to use plain text password this property must be set to false.为了使jCIFS使用明文密码必...
A jcifs.smb.client.dfs.disabled property has been added to disable domain based DFS so that the client does not try and fail to resolve paths as domain paths in non-domain environments (e.g. on the local machine). The getSecurity and getShareSecurity methods will now return null if no ...
A jcifs.smb.client.dfs.disabled property has been added to disable domain based DFS so that the client does not try and fail to resolve paths as domain paths in non-domain environments (e.g. on the local machine). The getSecurity and getShareSecurity methods will now return null if no ...