JCR分区是基于期刊的影响因子(Journal Impact Factor, JIF)和被引频次数据进行的分区,用以衡量期刊的影响力和重要性。JCR将期刊分为四个大类(科学、社会科学、艺术与人文、综合),每个大类又细分为若干个小类别。JCR分区系统常被学者用来选择适合自己研究领域的期刊投稿。 JCI分区介绍 JCI(Journal Citation Indicator...
JCI Insight is an Gold Open Access journal that has a 2021 Impact Factor of 9.484. The Journal publishes well-executed, high-quality studies that provide meaningful contributions to the understanding of the biology and/or treatment of disease, with an emphasis on clinically relevant basic and tran...
核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 知网外文库,外文期刊, IF影响因子 自引率 主要研究方向医学-MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL医学:研究与实验 JCI Insight《临床研究杂志子刊机理解析》(半月刊). JCI Insight is a peer-reviewed journal published by the American Society for Clinical Investigation ...
Since Sep 2024 Number of Risk Changed 2 +2From last report S&P 500 Average: 3 2 +2From last report S&P 500 Average: 3 See the risk highlights of Johnson Controls in the last period. Risk Word Cloud The most common phrases about risk factors from the most recent report. Larger texts ...
汤森路透每年出版一本《期刊引用报告》(Journal Citation Reports,简称JCR)。JCR对86000多种SCI期刊的影响因子(Impact Factor)等指数加以统计。JCR将收录期刊分为176个不同学科类别在JCR的Journal Ranking中,主要参考当年IF,最终每个分区的期刊数量是均分的。
JIF(Journal Impact Factor,简称JIF,中文名:期刊影响因子),是一个衡量期刊所发表的文章被引用频率的指标,该指标由科学引文索引(SCI)的创始人尤金·加菲尔德博士于1955年在 《Science》期刊的发文中提出。 JIF的计算公式如下(以LANCET的2023年IF为例子):
2024, Desalination Citation Excerpt : As indicators of the journal relevance, the corresponding SCimago Journal Ranking indexes (SJR), Impact Factors (IF) and the Journal Citation Indicators (JCI) of the top 12 journals, the only ones that published at least 13 articles, were included. The Jou...
3. Tang A, et al. Non-Dipping Blood Pressure or Nocturnal Hypertension: Does One Matter More?Curr Hypertens Rep.2024;26(1):21-30. 3. Rapsomaniki E, et al. Blood pressure and incidence of twelve cardiovascular diseases: lifetime ris...
Posted onAugust 5, 2024byJAMIE In the vast landscape of online gambling, discerning players seek reputable platforms that offer not just entertainment but also reliability and security. The allure of top sites to gamble online beckons with promises of immersive experiences and lucrative opportunities ...
You know, what should we dial in for structural cost savings in 2024? Olivier Leonetti--Chief Financial Officer So, if you look -- let me start with the end. On free cash flow, we're going to have an impact of about 10 points of conversion to two elements. One is higher capex act...