JCB(《Journal of Cell Biology》)的最新影响因子为7.8(以2023年公布的2022年度数据为准),近年来呈现稳定趋势,在细胞生物学领域保持较高学术影响力。以下从影响因子意义、JCB的学科地位及与其他期刊对比等方面展开分析。 一、影响因子的意义与计算方式 影响因子(Impact Factor, IF)是衡量期刊...
December 6, 2023 Leave a Comment on Impact of Fatigue on Driving Ralph R. Gregory Driving is an essential part of our daily lives, but the dangers associated with it cannot be underestimated. One significant factor that contributes to road accidents is driver fatigue. In… FacebookMastodonEmail...
Journal Impact Factor 3.1 (2023) Downloads 947.2k (2024) Submission to first decision (median) 26 days Submit to this journal Submission guidelines Editors Radek Stoček Radek Stoček received his Dr.-Ing. in 2012 at the Chemnitz University of Technology (Germany). Then he started an...
Journal Impact Factor 3.6 (2023) Downloads 734.9k (2024) Submission to first decision (median) 10 days Editors Moayad Aloqaily Gnowit Inc., Canada Articles Showing 1-11 of 11 articles BlockPres IPFS: performance evaluation of blockchain based secure patients prescription record storage...
影响因子(Impact Factor,IF)是美国ISI(科学信息研究所)的JCR(期刊引证报告)中的一项数据。 即某 冰雪单职业传奇网站官方网站 冰雪单职业传奇网站,《战online》今日新服火爆开启,震撼来袭,超高爆率,万人同屏,炫技打斗中...经典玩法,福利多多,心游邀你来战!点击进入游戏试玩>>>广告 pnas影响因子是什么? pnas影响因子...
While talking about the 2023 Longlist and the encompassing reading journey, Srinath Perur, Jury Chair,shared, “The set of books entered for the prize this year was remarkably strong and varied. The jury read the entries over the last few months, meeting online every couple of weeks. We rea...
color differences among specimens or the associated tolerances should be compared only when they are obtained for the same color-scale system. There is no simple factor that can be used to convert accurately color differences or color tolerances in one system to difference or tolerance units in an...
1. Clarification on preparation of samples for UL 2218 Impact Tests. 2. First time ANSI approval of UL 2218. 信息:ICS:91.060.20CCS:P32发布:2012实施: TCVN 2100-1-2007 色漆和清漆.快速变形(耐冲击性)试验.第1部分:落锤试验(大面积冲头) ...
Publishing model Hybrid Journal Impact Factor 3.6 (2023) Downloads 734.9k (2024) Submission to first decision (median) 10 days Editors Moayad Aloqaily Moayad Aloqaily Gnowit Inc., Canada Showing 1-11 of 11 articles BlockPres IPFS: performance evaluation of blockchain based secure patients prescr...
Journal Impact Factor 3.9 (2023) Downloads 2.4M (2024) Submission to first decision (median) 1 days Editors Andras Bikov, MD, PhD Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom Articles Showing 1-10 of 10 articles Impact of sleep duration and dietary ...