Below are the home tuition fees in Singapore for preschool, primary, secondary, IP, IB, JC and poly level. Our home tutors are categorized based on their qualifications and status. Most private tutors are regarded as freelancers and quote their very own tuition fees. The chart listed here is...
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90% score A with Kelvin Hong’s JC H2/H1 A Level & IB economics tuition in Singapore. Ex-RI/RJC tutor with 26 years experience. Register for econs tuition now!
As a testimony to our superior education services for Secondary and JC students, we have firmly established ourselves as an award-winning Chemistry tuition centre, serving the needs of Secondary School Chemistry / O Level Chemistry and A Level JC Chemistry students in Singapore. We have come a...
This site has a good collection of free downloadable test papers from popular primary schools, secondary schools and JCs in Singapore. Two Weighted Assessments (WA1 and WA2) and one Semestral Assesment (SA2). In previous years there were two continual as
learn lots of fascinating advanced H2 Chem as well as relevant (ie. helpful for mastering H2 Chem) H3 Chem & Olympiad Chem concepts & skills, not taught to H2 Chem students in Singapore JCs, that will help you understand and master the H2 Chem syllabus better than your peers in school, ...
School of Computing 历史悠久 学院的历史可以追溯到1975年成立的南洋大学计算机科学系,这是新加坡首个设立的计算机科学系。 国际声誉:学院已经发展成为世界领先的计算机学院之一,拥有既是国际知名研究者又是鼓舞人心的教师的教职员工。 课程...
Lijing Shi (London School of Economics and Political Science, UK) Qian Kan (The Open University, UK) Bridging the gap between research and pedagogy: an introduction(1-10) 弥合研究与教学法之间的差距:引言 研究论文 Xuan Wang (Cardiff Univer...
BEIJING -- Japan should act correctly towards an application for records of comfort women to be listed as UNESCO heritage, instead of threatening not to pay its UNESCO membership fees, a Chinese spokesperson said MondayIf the submitted documents are approved for the UNESCO Memory of the World Reg...
Ng served as a highly regarded Math teacher at a pre-tertiary school, where his dedication and teaching acumen were recognized for their significant contributions to enhancing students' educational experiences. Having amassed over 15 years of teaching experience, Mr. Ng possesses a remarkable ability ...