In between, it stops at the JBS USA Greeley beef plant, the site of the state’s second-largest confirmed novel coronavirus outbreak. It pauses on the lines where the nation’s beef is slaughtered and sliced and packaged, where Tin Aye spent years on the job before falling ill this spring...
2 Y los bárbaros nos mostraron no poca humanidad; porque, encendido un gran fuego, nos recibieron a todos, a causa de la lluvia que venía, y del frío. 3 Entonces Pablo habiendo recogido algunos sarmientos, y puéstolos en el fuego, una víbora, huyendo del calor, le acometió a la...
Un gentil por amor del cual Dios fuera a redimírselo por pueblo, y le pusiera nombre, e hiciera con vosotros, grandes y espantosas obras en tu tierra, por causa de tu pueblo el que tú rescataste de Egipto, de los gentiles y de sus dioses. 24 Porque t...
Termine usato per la finestra, l'elemento di una finestra o l'icona che è pronta a ricevere l'input del mouse o della tastiera. Le finestre attive si differenziano dalle altre finestre dello spazio di lavoro per il colore della barra del titolo. L'elemento attivo di una finestra viene ...
JBS Foods is a leading global food company, with operations in the United States, Australia, Canada, Europe, Mexico, New Zealand and the UK.
3 If I send them home hungry, they will collapse on the way, because some of them have come a long distance.” 4 His disciples answered, “But where in this remote place can anyone get enough bread to feed them?” 5 “How many loaves do you have?” Jesus asked. “Seven,” they ...