[disconnected /] [disconnected /] connect Connected to domain controller at localhost:9999 [domain@localhost:9999/] quit Closed connection to localhost:9999 localhost:9999 是JBossAS7域控制器客户端连接的默认主机和端口名.主机名和端口都是可选的参数,可以被单独或者一起指定。想要退出对话,可以键入quit命令...
cn (orcd) - change the current nodepathto the argument;connect - connect to the specified host and port;deploy - deploy an application;help(or h) -printthis message;history -printor disable/enable/clear the history expansion.ls - list the contents of the nodepath;pwn(or pwd) - prints th...
Failed to start Server after 11 attempts. Running on-fail server check. Shutting server down. Trying to connect to Management Interface...(1/5). Trying to connect to Management Interface...(2/5). Trying to connect to Management Interface...(3/5). ...
AS7中socket的配置类似于interface的声明,Sockets用一个逻辑名来声明,可以在整个配置中引用。 多个Sockets声明可以用一个特定的名字声明成为一个组。这样在配置一个在管理域里的server group时可以方便的引用一个特定的socket binding group. Socket binding group通过interface逻辑名来引用interface: <socket-binding-group...
/opt/eap/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2402M -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true 連線到 JBoss EAP 伺服器之後,請執行 JBoss CLI 命令,並取得 JBoss 伺服器資訊: Bash [standalone@localhost:9990 /] :product-info {"outcome"=>"success","result"=> [{...
ERROR [org.jboss.as.controller.management-operation] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS013412: Timeout after [300] seconds waiting for service container stability. Operation will roll back. Step that first updated the service container was 'add' at address '[("interface" => "management")]' ...
<socket-binding-group name="standard-sockets" default-interface="public" port-offset="${jboss.socket.binding.port-offset:0}"> <!--对应jboss-cli连接jboss控制台的端口--> <socket-binding name="management-native" interface="management" port="${jboss.management.native.port:9999}"/> <!--对应jbo...
To stop a background instance of JBoss EAP, use the management command-line interface (CLI) to connect to the running instance and shut it down. Launch the management CLI and issue the shutdown command: [jboss-eap ~]# /jboss/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect[standalone@localhost:9990 /]shutdo...
/opt/eap/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2402M -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true 连接到 JBoss EAP 服务器后,运行 JBoss CLI 命令,获取 JBoss 服务器信息: Bash复制 [standalone@localhost:9990 /] :product-info ...
<JBOSS_HOME>/bin/jboss-cli.bat --connect --command=:shutdown//jboss7.1.x 修改访问的ip和端口 修改配置文件,在 <JBOSS_HOME> /standalone/configuration/standalone.xml,红色字体部分 <interfaces> <interface name="management"> <inet-address value="${jboss.bind.address.management:}" /> ...