从外观设计到功能配置,PARTYBOX CLUB 120处处体现了JBL对于户外使用场景的深刻理解。更令人惊艳的是炫酷的灯光效果,变换的彩灯随音乐律动闪烁,瞬间点亮全场氛围。当动听的旋律响起,绚丽的灯光亮起,置身其中的每一个人都会情不自禁地沉浸到音乐营造的美妙意境中,是一款非常值得推荐的户外音箱。
Either way, you can steer the party's flow with fun interactive party effects using the JBL PartyBox app. A folding ergonomic handle makes the PartyBox Club 120 easy to take with you anywhere, and the splash-proof construction means it won't be troubled by a little rain. It delivers up ...
电脑版 未安装应用宝时,手机APP无法独立在电脑上运行 腾讯应用宝为你下载和运行JBL PartyBox电脑版,还原手机体验,超越传统模拟器 预览资讯攻略 简介 Compatible with: PartyBox 310, PartyBox 110, PartyBox 710, PartyBox Encore Essential, PartyBox Encore/ Partybox Stage 320/Partybox Club 120/PartyBox Encore 2/...
For an even bigger time, stereo pair two JBL PartyBox Club 120s for a wider soundstage, or use the JBL PartyBox app to connect multiple JBL Auracast-enabled speakers wirelessly. Roll up to the party with the JBL PartyBox Club 120. Specs What's in The Box? Documents & Downloads ...
PartyBox Encore/ Partybox Stage 320/Partybox Club 120/Partylight Beam/Partylight Stick Not compatible with: PartyBox 100/ 200/ 300/ 1000/ On-The-Go App features: - Connect compatible speakers wirelessly - Personalize and control your speaker from the app - Get software updates and product suppor...
Compatible with: PartyBox 310, PartyBox 110, PartyBox 710, PartyBox Encore Essential, PartyBox Encore/ Partybox Stage 320/Partybox Club 120 Not compatible with: PartyBox 100/ 200/ 300/ 1000/ On-The-Go App features: - Connect compatible speakers wirelessly ...
2. JBL PARTYBOX CLUB 120 JBL PARTYBOX CLUB 120以其出色的音质、丰富的连接选项、炫目的灯光效果和强大的电池续航,成为了户外派对和活动的完美选择。无论是音质、便携性还是功能性,JBL PARTYBOX CLUB 120都能满足您的需求。外观设计与便携性:JBL PARTYBOX CLUB 120拥有符合人体工程学设计的折叠把手,使得音箱易于...
battery and keep the music and lights going strong. For an even bigger time, stereo pair two JBL PartyBox Club 120s for a wider soundstage, or use the JBL PartyBox app to connect multiple JBL Auracast-enabled speakers wirelessly. Roll up to the party with the JBL PartyBox Club 120. ...
Compatible with: PartyBox 310, PartyBox 110, PartyBox 710, PartyBox Encore Essential, PartyBox Encore/ Partybox Stage 320/Partybox Club 120/PartyBox Encore 2/Partylight Beam/Partylight Stick Not compatible with: PartyBox 100/ 200/ 300/ 1000/ On-The-Go ...
音乐是一种独特的语言,它能跨越语言和文化的界限,直抵人们内心的深处。一个优秀的户外音箱,应该能够充分释放音乐的情感力量,营造出令人陶醉的氛围感。而JBL PARTYBOX CLUB 120便携式派对音箱,正是这样一款出色的"氛围感大师"。 从外观设计到功能配置,PARTYBOX CLUB 120处处体现了JBL对于户外使用场景的深刻理解。更令人...