JBL Clip 3 is an ultra-portable and waterproof Bluetooth® speaker with powerful sound and up to 10 hours of playtime for any adventure. With the integrated carabiner, you can easily hook it on bags or a belt loop, and bring your music with you.
https://www.harmankardon.com/support-product.html Warnings Ingestion Hazard This product contains a battery. Death or serious injury can occur if ingested. A swallowed battery can cause Internal Chemical Burn in as little as 2 hours. Keep new and used batteries OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Seek...
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JBL is owned by Harman International Industries, a subsidiary of South Korean company Samsung Electronics. JBL was founded by James Bullough Lansing (1902–1949) who was a pioneering American audio engineer and loudspeaker designer most notable for establishing two audio companies that bear his name,...
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