JBL Cinema SB250 无线音箱说明书 Brings cinematic sound to any thin-profile TV.Designed to perfectly match any flat-panel TV, the JBL Cinema SB250 provides stunning, virtual surround sound from a sleek and simple package. It connects wirelessly to its compact, powerful subwoofer, and connects ...
JBL Cinema SB250 平面电视搭配子音箱说明书 Aporta un sonido cinematográfico a cualquier televisor de perfil delgado. JBL Cinema SB250 está diseñado para complementar cualquier televisor de panel plano y proyectar un sonido envolvente virtual impactante con un conjunto elegante y sencillo. Se ...
Designed to perfectly match any flat-panel TV, the JBL Cinema SB250 provides stunning, virtual surround sound from a sleek and simple package.<CRLF>It connects wirelessly to its compact, powerful subwoofer, and connects with a single cable to a TV. It can also enhance the view experience wit...
近日JBL宣布推出全新的soundbar产品CINEMA SB250,产品由一个条形Soundbar及一个矩形低音炮所组成,支持2.1声道输出,可为你带来全新收看体验。CINEMA SB250现已在JBL美国官网有售,售价仅为300美元(约合1919元)。 为方便用户自由在房间内放置,条形音箱与低音炮之间采用无线连接,增强了实用性。由于仅是搭配电视使用,JBL...
JBL 作为哈曼国际旗下的一员大将,产品由入门到 Hi-end 、专业到汽车音响等均有涉猎,厂商多年来依然活力十足,不断研发新产品。这次日本 JBL 宣布,即将于 12 月 12 日在日本,推出全新的 2.1 声道系统,价格约为 40,880 日圆。 这次推出的 CINEMA SB250 承继去年推出的 CINEMA SB350 技术,由一个长条型 Sound...
【创客星球】JBL 2.1 声道系统 CINEMA SB250 HiFi音响 是在优酷播出的科技高清视频,于2016-04-30 00:19:30上线。视频内容简介:【创客星球】JBL 2.1 声道系统 CINEMA SB250 HiFi音响
罕枫全新适用JBL音响回音壁遥控器CINEMA SB 150 250350 STV250 STV250图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Equalizers9 5600 Cinema systems10 6200 Amplifiers (high-level electronics) 10 7000 Special purpose electronics10 8000 Industrial series loudspeakers 10 9900 Concert Series accessories 10 ASxxxx Architectural Series systems 11 Control xx Control and Control Contractor Series systems11 DMS Large format studio...
JBL Cinema SB250 is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a significant upgrade to the sound of their TV. PLUS Nice looks and design. Big and powerful sound. Easy to use. MINUS Limited connectivity. READ CUSTOMER REVIEWS The name and price suggests that the SB250 is a follow-up...
Designed to perfectly match any flat-panel TV, the JBL Cinema SB250 provides stunning, virtual surround sound from a sleek and simple package.<CRLF>It connects wirelessly to its compact, powerful subwoofer, and connects with a single cable to a TV. It can also enhance the view experience wit...