JBL 104-BT compact reference monitors with Bluetooth, the newest models in the 1 Series line, draw from seven decades of JBL Professional engineering to deliver the truest, most accurate sound in their class. They’re perfect for recording musicians, producers, podcasters and vloggers, as well...
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“If you need a trustworthy speaker system whichmusthave a small footprint, you’re just not going to do better than the 104s. They delivermore than they should.” —CinemaSound 104-BT “The 1 Series 104 monitors sounded excellent across the board, delivering nicely detailed highs and impre...
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JBL 104-BT compact reference monitors with Bluetooth, the newest models in the 1 Series line, draw from seven decades of JBL Professional engineering to deliver the truest, most accurate sound in their class. They’re perfect for recording musicians, producers, podcasters and vloggers, as well...