品牌:JB WELD JB Weld Description: INDUSTRO WELD is J-B WELD in an economical shop-size package containing two 5-oz. tubes. Professionals in many industries use it to fix, bond, or fill -- in the shop, factory, or field. INDUSTRO WELD makes strong, permanent repairs when hot welding ...
型号 JB WELD 公司性质 私营企业 所在区域 天津滨海新区 所在行业 工业润滑脂 品牌: jb weld 型号分类: jb weld 8280,jbweld 8281, jb weld 8265s, jb weld 8276, jb weld 8271, jb weld 50112, jb weld8267, jb weld 8277, jb weld 8257, jb weld 8237, jb weld 8297, jb weld 31310, ...
冷焊剂 泰扬牌冷焊剂 Permatex14600Cold Weld Bond Compound 品牌permatex太阳 济宁博信达经贸有限公司 1年 查看详情 ¥28.00 广东东莞 多功能冷焊剂 铝合金胶水 低气味丙烯酸酯ab胶 快干胶 无溶剂型 多功能 诺克新材品牌 东莞市诺克新材料科技有限公司 5年 查看详情 ¥22.00/支 广东东莞 乐燊泰 冷焊剂 AB...
Most relevant Giles Cattermole 40reviews GB Nov 29, 2024 G A R B A G E Used JB Weld 'ClearWeld 5 Minute' epoxy on a carefully-cleaned and sanded wood-to-wood face joint.. Mixed carefully and thoroughly. Held in place for 30 minutes, then left. Next morning, the glue joint had sl...
JB Weld Description: INDUSTRO WELD is J-B WELD in an economical shop-size package containing two 5-oz. tubes. Professionals in many industries use it to fix, bond, or fill -- in the shop, factory, or field. INDUSTRO WELD makes strong, permanent repairs when hot welding isn't po...
Can you weld over J-B Weld? As Aaron saidit's impossible to weld over JBweld. If you're ganking the pan anyways just take it to you're welding shop while it's out. Or any welding shop, like a muffler place or machine shop. ...
美国J-B JB Weld 环氧钢筋 塑料胶 8265S图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
商品名称:美国J-B JB Weld 8265S 环氧钢筋 塑料胶 31316 商品编号:10072411614782 店铺:本之同工业品专营店 固化方式:其他 强度等级:中高强度 胶粘材料类型:金属类 适配组份:其他 粘度范围:其他 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 ...
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JB-Weld 8280 8285胶水AB胶液态金属冷焊剂 填补剂修复剂 贝克工业品专营店 关注店铺 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 品牌名称:LISM 商品型号:- 订货编码:10099746539477 包装规格:- ...