How to redeem JB Hi-Fi Gift Card (NZ)? At JB Hi-Fi Online: Place your items in your cart and take them through checkout. At the payment screen, select “Gift Card” from the dropdown menu. If your gift card balance does not exceed the price of your purchase, you can pay the di...
憑此JB Hi Fi 購物現金卡可換購相等於卡上標明價值的產品。卡上的金額包括消費稅在內。此購物現金卡如有遺失或被竊,JB Hi Fi 恕不負責。此購物現金卡不可兌換成現金。此購物現金卡於簽發日期起計 24 個月後失效,並只適用於紐西蘭的 JB Hi Fi 門市或網店。
JB Hi-Fimeans JB Hi-Fi Group (NZ) Limited CN 707232 of 12/1 Wagener Place, St Lukes, Mt Albert,New Zealand. Sample 1Sample 2 JB Hi-Fimeans JB Hi-Fi GroupPty LtdABN 37 093 114 286 ofLevel 4, OfficeTower 2, Chadstone Place, ChadstoneShopping Centre, 1341 Dandenong Road, Chadstone,...
It operates through three segments: JB Hi-Fi Australia (JB Aust), JB Hi-Fi New Zealand (JB NZ) and The Good Guys (TGG). The Company comprises two retail brands: JB Hi-Fi and The Good Guys. JB Hi-Fi is a retailer of technology and consumer electronics with a position with a young...
图片来源 截至6 月 30 日的 12 个月内,JB Hi-Fi 报告其销售额小幅下降 0.4% 至 95.9 亿澳元。并表示这一下降完全是由其 The Good Guys 业务导致的,这也抵消了 JB Hi-Fi 澳大利亚和 JB Hi-Fi 新西兰市场的销售增长。 ...
JB Hi-Fi Auckland City, Auckland We offer flexibility, 12 weeks’ paid parental leave, novated leasing, Employee Assistance Program and more. Create, support, and uphold a culture of collective… EmployerActive 1 day ago·More... Online Fulfilment Coordinator JB Hi-Fi New Zealand Auckland City...
(JB Aust), JB Hi-Fi New Zealand (JB NZ) and The Good Guys (TGG). The Company comprises two retail brands: JB Hi-Fi andThe Good Guys. JB Hi-Fi is a retailer of technology and consumer electronics with a position with a young tech-savvy demographic. The Good Guys is a retailer of...
Costco最新闪促来啦! 02 MUJI折扣 | 香薰套装$28,马克杯礼盒$32 MUJI官网折扣区更新! 家居用品 服饰 更多好物可前往官网了解 扫描下方二维码 03 JB Hi-Fi 折扣 | 联想笔记本电脑立省$210,XCD无线头戴耳机4折 JB Hi-Fi 最近折扣! 活动截止:1月2...
图片来源 截至6 月 30 日的 12 个月内,JB Hi-Fi 报告其销售额小幅下降 0.4% 至 95.9 亿澳元。并表示这一下降完全是由其 The Good Guys 业务导致的,这也抵消了 JB Hi-Fi 澳大利亚和 JB Hi-Fi 新西兰市场的销售增长。 由于综合成本上涨和折扣等因素,总的来说,12 个月的税后净利润下降...
(JB Aust), JB Hi-Fi New Zealand (JB NZ) and The Good Guys (TGG). The Company comprises two retail brands: JB Hi-Fi and The Good Guys. JB Hi-Fi is a retailer of technology and consumer electronics with a position with a young tech-savvy demographic. The Good Guys is a retailer ...