Liniker, Milton Nascimento & Orquestra Jazz Sinfônica Lyrics "Lalange"Sonhei que voltei pra minha creche, no Yolanda Ópice, em Araraquara Estava com a minha mãe e eu já era adulta Era um evento na creche No sonho, eu vi todas as crianças que estudaram comigo dentro do parque...
BILLY VERA BIG BAND JAZZ is a pop/art song/folk music artist. This page includes BILLY VERA BIG BAND JAZZ's : biography, official website, pictures, videos from YouTube, related forum topics, shouts, news, tour dates and events, live auctions, online sh
The Spanner Big Band was created by (and is fronted by) the multifaceted Dan Spanner. Dan hails from an eclectic musical past, which includes touring with the legendary French chainsaw circus, ‘Archaos’. He leads a number of other bands including the performance art ensemble, Spanner Jazz...
這張名為Encontros – Orquestra Atlantica的專輯是Antonio Adolfo的最新作品,實現了這位音樂家長久以來想與爵士大樂團一同演奏爵士與巴西音樂的夢想。樂團成員包括身為領隊的鋼琴手 Antonio Adolfo、貝斯手Jorge Helder、鼓手Williams Mello、打擊樂手Dada Costa、小號及柔音號手Diogo Gomes、小號手Gesiel Nascimento、中音...
My Favorite Nettai Tropical Jazz Big Band Tropijazz 40862 Best Friends Humberto Ramirez & Giovanni Hidalgo AJ 10222 Puerto Rico Jazz Jam Humberto Ramirez AJ 11172 Out Of Nowhere Bobbe Norris Four Directions 2004 Christmas at Buzz's Restaurant John Altenburgh Altenburgh 70026 You May Never Know ...
专辑: Portology 歌手:Orquestra Jazz De MatosinhosLee Konitz-Ohad Talmor Big Bandlee konitz还没有歌词哦Orquestra Jazz De Matosinhos、Lee Konitz-Ohad Talmor Big Band、lee konitz - Rhythm Sweet: Moderato / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 Rhythm Sweet: Moderato Orquestra Jazz De Matosinhos...
使用我的位置 Cedar Knolls 所有日期 世界各地皆無您所搜尋的活動。 Orquestra de Jazz do Funchal 想要更好的門票建議嗎? 登入/ 建立帳戶 最近查看 已追蹤 追蹤 2 已追蹤 追蹤 31 已追蹤 追蹤 0 附近的熱門活動 已追蹤 追蹤 0 #1 已追蹤 追蹤
酷狗音乐为您提供由Teco Cardoso、Orquestra Jazz Sinfônica、Cyro Pereira演唱的高清音质无损Vera Cruzmp3在线听,听Vera Cruz,只来酷狗音乐!
Brown, Ahmad Jamal & Dizzy Gillespie Big Band, Fats Domino's True Spirit - Matthieu Boré, Freddy Cole & Diana Krall, Gospel & Negro-spirituals Concert, Tracy Chapman, Jamie Cullum / Lizz Wright, Martial Solal & Wayne Shorter, The Children of Django / Richard Galliano / New-York Trio and...
Enquanto aquilo, e Miles Davis, nesses períodos sombrios, benny Goodman se transforma renomado informando o big band jazz limita inteira a país, o empresário Norman Granz derruba adversidades por inteiro o lugar ao sair em turnê com sua banda Jazz at the Philharminic, seu parceiro de ...