TheJazzAge •Describesthe1920s,whenjazzmusicanddancebecamepopular•EndedwiththeGreatDepressionin1930•Term“JazzAge”wascoinedbyF.ScottFitzgerald•JazzbeganwithAfricanAmericansbutbecamepopularwithwhitesaswell•Youthusedjazztorebelagainstthetraditionalcultureofpreviousgenerations•Oftencombinedwithboldfashion...
The Harlem Renaissance: The Jazz Age was also a time of tremendous artistic flourishing for African Americans in Harlem, with jazz providing inspiration and energy to writers, poets, and visual artists. Tensions: The Jazz Age also had its darker side, with anxieties about the changing social ord...
Jazz-Age Jews: Arnold Rothstein, Felix Frankfurter, Al Jolson and the Jewish imaginationIn the 1920s, communities consisting mainly of "second generation" Jewish Americans-the children of eastern European Jewish immigrants and those who migrated while young-emerged from the common formational ...
"[Gerber] unearths some interesting facts, such as shared cultural experiences of African-Americans and Jews: he notes that African-American singers such as Billie Holliday and Alberta Hunter recorded Jewish songs, and that Louis Armstrong so admired Jewish people that he wore a Star of David ar...
爵代风华- 爵士的黄金时代 The_Jazz_Age TheJazzAge Societyinthe1920sMassMediaintheJazzAgeCulturalConflicts TheJazzAge The1920swereatimeofrapidsocialchangeinwhichmanypeople–particularlywomen–adoptednewlifestylesandattitudes.SettingtheStage 1880s:Industrializationandimmigration.WWIacceleratedurbanizationand...
Children of Legba: African-American musicians of the jazz age in literature and popular culture. Children of Legba: African-American musicians of the jazz age in literature and popular culture.Among the Dahomey of West Africa, the spirit Legba pre... TF Marvin - University of Massachusetts ...
The Harlem Renaissance:The Jazz Age was also a time of tremendous artistic flourishing for African Americans in Harlem, with jazz providing inspiration and energy to writers, poets, and visual artists. Tensions:The Jazz Age also had its darker side, with anxieties about the changing social order...
When coupled with the fact that the people who listened to this music prior to it being put on the radio had to do so in illegal clubs and many African Americans were arrested for playing it in years prior - you could imagine why people might have an issue. ...
But jazz-themed movies featuring African-Americans in starring roles were the exception rather than the rule, and in the 50s, biopics of white jazz musicians had become all the rage: there wasThe Glenn Miller Storyin 1954, followed two years later byThe Benny Goodman Story, while 1950’sYou...
The Jazz Age(美国的爵士乐时代)TheJazzAge •TheJazzAgedescribestheperiodaftertheendofWorldWarI,throughtheRoaringTwenties,endingwiththeGreatDepression.•在美国历史上,“爵士乐时代”是指自一战结束(1918年)至经济大萧条(1929年)的时期,也就是兴旺的二十年代(theRoaringTwenties)。TheFirstWorldWar •...