Jaws: Directed by Steven Spielberg. With Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfuss, Lorraine Gary. When a massive killer shark unleashes chaos on a beach community off Long Island, it's up to a local sheriff, a marine biologist, and an old seafarer to
Today, some fiftysummers on from the year the movie was made, Bruce the mechanical shark is still scaring up a few tourist dollars for the Island. These days, in his job as Edgartown harbor master, Blair regularly encountersJawsenthusiasts visiting the Island to see filming locations such as ...
Another horrific scenefrom the movie didn't take place on the open ocean in Massachusetts or Australia or anywhere. Rather, it wasfilmed in a swimming pool. Once principal filming was done, Spielberg thought something was missing. His film needed one more big moment, a scare that would shake...