2 hadoop-tutorialhadoop-tutorialPublic JavaTpoint Provides a Hadoop Tutorial for Beginners and Professionals. 1 c-programming-languagec-programming-languagePublic 1 2 contributions in the last year No contributions on February 18th.No contributions on February 25th.No contributions on March 3rd.No contr...
Core Java: Basics of Java Interview Questions 1) What is Java? Java is the high-level, object-oriented, robust, secure programming language, platform-independent, high performance, Multithreaded, and portable programming language. It was developed by James Gosling in June 1991. It can also be ...
For this purpose, we were using the free() function in the C language and delete() in C++. In Java, it is performed automatically. So, Java provides better memory management.More details.180) What is gc()? The gc() method is not a standard method in Java. The garbage collection ...
Description Tutorials, Free Online Tutorials, Javatpoint provides tutorials and interview questions of all technology like java tutorial, android, java frameworks, javascript, ajax, core java, sql, python, php, c language etc. for beginners and professionals. ...
Top 45+ Most Asked Kotlin Interview Questions and Answers 1) What is Kotlin? / Describe Kotlin in brief. Kotlin is a general-purpose, statically typed, open-source programming language that runs on the JVM. It runs on JVM and can be used anywhere Java is used today. It can be compiled...
Following is a list of most frequently asked COBOL interview questions and answers. 1) What is COBOL? / What do you know about COBOL? COBOL is an abbreviation that stands for Common Business Oriented Language. It is one of the oldest programming languages and is primarily used for business ...
Unix interview questionsand answers are given below. 1) What is Unix? UNIX is a portable operating system that is designed for efficient multitasking and multi-user functions. Since it is a portable operating system, it can run on different hardware platforms. It is written in C language. It...
20) What is the size of the void pointer in C language? The size of the void pointer depends upon on which platform you are executing the code. The void pointer may have a size of 2 bytes for the 16-bit compiler, 4 bytes for the 32-bit compiler, and 8 bytes for the 64-bit com...
1) Differentiate between for loop and while loop in C? In C language, both 'for' loop and 'while' loop are used to repeatedly executing a set of instructions. The main differences between both the loops are given below: For loopWhile loop ...
Length of array in C with Tutorial, C language with programming examples for beginners and professionals covering concepts, c pointers, c structures, c union, c strings etc.