<option selected value="0">- 请选择 -</option> <option value="1">关羽</option> <option value="2">赵云</option> <option value="3">马超</option> <option value="4">黄忠</option> <option value="5">张飞</option> </select> <input type="text" id="sel_text"/><input type='butto...
</b><p>Select one from the given options:<selectid="select1"><optionvalue="free">Free</option><optionvalue="basic">Basic</option><optionvalue="premium">Premium</option></select></p><p>The value of the option selected is:<spanclass="output"></span></p><buttononclick="getOption()...
1. $("#select_id").append("<option value='Value'>Text</option>"); //为Select追加一个Option(下拉项) 2. $("#select_id").prepend("<option value='0'>请选择</option>"); //为Select插入一个Option(第一个位置) 3. $("#select_id option:last").remove(); //删除Select中索引值最大O...
Returns the values of the selected options of a select item (pNd). Return Value (DOM Array | String) Parameters pNd (DOM node | string ID) $u_ArrayToString(pArray, pDelim) Given an array (pArray) return a string with the values of the array delimited with a given delimiter character...
for (let option of selectbox.options) { if (option.selected) { result.push(option); } } return result; } 添加选项 可以使用 JavaScript 动态创建选项并将它们添加到选择框。首先,可以使用DOM方法,如下所示: let newOption = document.createElement("option"); ...
Clears the content of an DOM node or array of DOM nodes and hides them. Return Value Not applicable. Parameters pNd (DOM node | string ID | DOM node array) $f_SelectedOptions(pNd) Returns the DOM nodes of the selected options of a select item (pNd). ...
<option value="audi" selected>Audi</option> </select> 展开片段 audi 选项默认是下拉栏的选定值。在document.getElementById("drop-down").value=""我们的帮助下,我们可以获得用户选择的值(比如 Saab),但我想获得该特定下拉栏的默认值(即奥迪) 我尝试使用document.getElementById("selement").selected 但它...
updater function returns selected item 此方法用于返回选中的条目。其接受一个参数item,并且其变量范围在typeahead实例内。 highlighter function highlights all default matches 该函数用来高亮自动完成的结果。 它接受唯一一个参数item,并且变量范围在typeahead实例内。应该返回html。 方法 .typeahead(options) 为输入框初...
This option is particularly useful in that it allows you to position the popover in the flow of the document near the triggering element - which will prevent the popover from floating away from the triggering element during a window resize. content string | function '' Default content value if...