SyntaxError: "x" is a reserved identifier(Firefox) SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word(Chrome) 如在控制台执行下方代码,则会上述错误出现 const enum = 1 enum在严格模式和非严格模式下都是保留字。 而以下标记符只会在严格模式下才作为保留字: implements interface let package private protected public stati...
“Unexpected comment.” : “不该在此处出现注释”, “Unescaped ‘{a}’.” : “没有转义 ‘{a}’”, “Unexpected control character in regular expression.” : “在正则表达式中出现了control字符”, “Unexpected escaped character ‘{a}’ in regular expression.” : “在中出现了没有转义的字符 ...
Conclusion If you are encountering anunexpected reserved word await in your javascript code, there is a common and easy solution. Simply replace it with the word timeout. This change will cause the code to run as expected, and avoid any potential errors....
unknown: Unexpected reserved word 'await'这个是为什么?我这个async await写的还有哪里不合理吗 getImageInfo(url){ return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ wx.getImageInfo({ src: url, success (res) { resolve(res.path) } }) }) }, async getTmp(url){ let arr = []>{ await...
function enum(){} // × SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word } ES7(ES2016) 规范没有新增关键字和未来保留字。 ES8(ES2017) 规范把await从未来保留字(FutureReservedWords)变成了关键字。语义和yield一样。 以下代码都是正确的:返回搜狐,查看更多
SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word (Chrome) Error type SyntaxError What went wrong? Reserved keywordswill throw in if they are used as identifiers. These are reserved in strict mode and sloppy mode: enum The following are only reserved when they are found in strict mode code: ...
“Unexpectedspaceafter ‘-’.” : “在’-'后面不应出现空格.”, “Expected aJSONvalue.” : “请传入一个json的值.”, “Mixedspaces and tabs.”: “空格和TAB重复.”, “Unsafecharacter.” : “不安全的字符.”, “Line toolong.”: “本行中的字符超过设定的最大长度.”, ...
function package(protected) { // 语法错误,Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected strict mode reserved word "use strict"; var implements; // 语法错误 } 此外,ECMAScript 5 本身还规定了另一些保留字(class、enum、export、extends、import、super),以及各大浏览器自行增加的const保留字,也是不能作为变量名的。
// 开启严格模式之后 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected strict mode reserved word 5、eval是一个函数,可以将字符串当代码执行 eval("var a = 10;"); console.log(a); // 开启严格模式之后 eval执行的代码 不会影响到当前的作用域了 会独立给eval强制开辟一个作用域 ...
“Unexpected space after ‘-’.” : “在’-'后面不应出现空格.”, “Expected a JSON value.” : “请传入一个json的值.”, “Mixed spaces and tabs.”: “空格和TAB重复.”, “Unsafe character.” : “不安全的字符.”, “Line too long.”: “本行中的字符超过设定的最大长度.”, ...