In a function, in strict mode,thisisundefined. In an event,thisrefers to theelementthat received the event. Methods likecall(),apply(), andbind()can referthistoany object. Note thisis not a variable. It is a keyword. You cannot change the value ofthis. ...
In most cases, the value of this is determined by how a function is called (runtime binding). ES5 introduced the bind() method to set the value of a function's this regardless of how it's called, and ES2015 introduced arrow functions which don't provide their own this binding (it re...
In most cases, the value of a function'sthisargument is determined by how the function is called. This lesson explains whatthisrefers to when we call plain function. Marius points out how functions behave differently in strict and non-strict mode."use strict"mode defaultsthisto undefined and ...
In most cases, the value of a function'sthisargument is determined by how the function is called. This lesson explains whatthisrefers to when we call plain function. Marius points out how functions behave differently in strict and non-strict mode."use strict"mode defaultsthisto undefined and ...
log(this === undefined); // => true return a * b; } // multiply() function invocation with strict mode enabled // this in multiply() is undefined multiply(2, 5); // => 10 当使用严格模式调用 multiply(2, 5) 的时候,this 就是undefined。 严格模式不仅对当前作用域有效,它内部的作用...
当在JavaScript中遇到TypeError: undefined is not a function的错误时,主要原因是尝试调用了一个尚未定义或者还未初始化的函数。这种情况可能出现在以下两种情景中:1、你可能忘记定义了你试图调用的函数。例如,原本应该这样写: 如果没有定义gameDraw函数,那么在后续代码中调用gameDraw.drawBall()就会...
function hello(thing) { console.log(this + " says hello " + thing); }"Yehuda", "world") //=> Yehuda says hello world 如你所见,hello方法的调用过程中,this被绑定到"Yehuda"上,而参数是"world"。这就是JavaScript最核心、基础的函数调用方式,核心原始方法。你可以认为其他所有的函数...
javascript之function的this 一、this 的定义 与 函数的调用 在 javascript 中, function 中的 this 指代的是: 调用 function 执行时的上下文。 也就是说,调用哪个 ...
This behavior has changed in ECMAScript 5 only when using strict mode[2]: // this: hello("world") // desugars to:,"world"); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The short version is: a function invocation like fn(...args) is the same as
「The this keyword evaluates to the value of the ThisBinding of the current execution context.」「this 这个关键字代表的值为当前执行上下文的ThisBinding。」然后再来看看MDN 对this 的定义:「In most cases, the value of this is determined by how a function is called.」「在大多数的情况下,this ...