Flowchart of switch Statement Flowchart of JavaScript switch statement Example 1: Simple Program Using switch...case Suppose we want to display a message based on the current day of the week. Let's look at the example below to see how we can achieve this usingswitch...case. letday =3;le...
Example Using the switch statement to execute a block of code based on user input, from a prompt box: vartext; varfavDrink = prompt("What's your favorite cocktail drink?"); switch(favDrink) { case"Martini": text ="Excellent choice! Martini is good for your soul."; ...
The JavaScript Switch StatementUse the switch statement to select one of many blocks of code to be executed.Syntaxswitch(expression) { case n: code block break; case n: code block break; default: default code block } This is how it works:The switch expression is evaluated once. The value...
Note: Please note that there isbreakstatement at the end of everycaseblock. Failing to provide a break statement results in not breaking of switch statement.This makes the subsequent case blocks executed. Following is an example demonstrating such scenario, where break is not used for case blocks...
We can replace our if…else statement with the switch statement when we deal with a large number of conditions. For example, let grade = "C"; // using if else for many conditions // first condition if (grade === "A") { console.log("Excellent!"); } // second condition else if ...
JavaScript Switch statement is used when we have a lot of variables that we want to match. In the following example we get the day of the week. We can then show something for each day of the week. #AbsoluteBeginner Getting A Day JavaScript Built In Function ...
switch statement Input Grade type : CopyJS Codefunction marksgrade() { grade = document.form1.text1.value; switch (grade) { case 'A+': console.log("Marks >= 90"); break; case 'A': console.log("Marks [ >= 80 and <90 ]"); break; case 'B+': console.log("Marks...
Let’s make a working example of aswitchstatement following the syntax above. In this code block, we will find the current day of the week with thenew Date()method, andgetDay()to print a number corresponding to the current day.0stands for Sunday, all the way through6which stands for ...
switch(score){case"pass 70":buy a bicyclebreak;case"pass 50":buy a toy carbreak;case"doesn't pass 50":buy a stick sweetbreak;} Theswitchstatement takes in an expression on which conditions would be built upon. In this case, the expression is the score value. ...
Theswitchstatement is described in the next chapter. The if Statement Use theifstatement to specify a block of JavaScript code to be executed if a condition is true. Syntax if(condition) { //block of code to be executed if the condition is true ...