// 定义函数functionprocessInput(inputString){console.log("原始字符串: "+inputString);// 去掉特殊字符letcleanedString=removeSpecialCharacters(inputString);console.log("去掉特殊字符后的字符串: "+cleanedString);// 示例返回值returncleanedString;}// 测试函数processInput("JavaScript is fun! Let's code...
function removeSpecialCharacters(str) { return str.replace(/[^\w\s]/gi, ''); } // 使用示例 const stringWithSpecialChars = "Hello! World? 123."; const cleanedString = removeSpecialCharacters(stringWithSpecialChars); console.log(cleanedString); // 输出: Hello World 123 在这个函数中,replace...
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core'; @Pipe({ name: 'specialPipe' }) export class specialPipe implements PipeTransform { transform(value: string): string { let newVal = value.replace(/[^\w\s]/gi, '') return newVal.charAt(1).toUpperCase() + newVal.slice(2); } }...
要在字符串中插入反斜杠字面量,必须转义反斜杠。例如,要把文件路径赋值给一个字符串,可以采用如下方式: js consthome="c:\\temp"; 也可以在换行之前加上反斜杠以转义换行。这样反斜杠和换行都不会出现在字符串的值中。 js conststr="this string \ is broken \ across multiple \ lines.";console.log(str...
6.4 Never use eval() on a string; it opens too many vulnerabilities. eslint: no-eval 6.5 Do not unnecessarily escape characters in strings. eslint: no-useless-escape Why? Backslashes harm readability, thus they should only be present when necessary. // bad const foo = '\'this\' \i\s...
The backslash escape character (\) turns special characters into string characters: CodeResultDescription \''Single quote \""Double quote \\\Backslash Examples \" inserts a double quote in a string: lettext ="We are the so-called \"Vikings\" from the north."; ...
You can remove the small icons, emojis from a string in JavaScript using the replace method. Select all unwanted emoji and replace it with an empty string.
Finally, it is very important to understand that set membership is based on strict equality checks, like the === operator performs. A set can contain both the number 1 and the string "1", because it considers them to be distinct values. When the values are objects (or arrays or function...
Alternatively you can just load the content of the *.ttf file as a binary string usingfetchorXMLHttpRequestand add the font to the PDF file: constdoc=newjsPDF();constmyFont=...// load the *.ttf font file as binary string// add the font to jsPDFdoc.addFileToVFS("MyFont.ttf",my...