To get the first character of a string, call the String.charAt() method with an index of 0. The method will return a new string that only contains the first character of the original string. index.js const str = ''; const firstChar = str.charAt(0); console.log(firstCha...
constgetWordInitials = (word: string):string=>{constbits = word.trim().split(' ');returnbits .map((bit) =>bit.charAt(0)) .join('') .toUpperCase(); }; $getWordInitials("Java Script Object Notation") $ "JSON" Share Improve this answer ...
通常, JavaScript 字符串是原始值,可以使用字符创建:var firstName = "John" 但我们也可以使用 new 关键字将字符串定义为一个对象:var firstName = new String("John") 实例 var x = "John"; var y = new String("John"); typeof x // 返回 String typeof y // 返回 Object 尝试一下 » 不要...
根据应用程序中字符串的性质,它必须遵循一些规则,例如,如果它是一个名称,它必须以字母开头。我编写了一条规则以确保字符串是有效的,对于必须以字母开头的字符串,我编写了以下规则: fun String.isFirstCharALetter(): Boolean = this[0].isLe 浏览5提问于2020-01-11得票数 0...
Get the third letter of name: constname ="W3Schools"; letletter =; Try it Yourself » Get the third letter of name: constname ="W3Schools"; letletter = name[2]; Try it Yourself » Theat()method returns the character at a specified index (position) in a string. ...
In JavaScript, first character in the string has position 0, the second one 1, etc. So if you searched for “m”, indexOf method would return 0. If the searched text isn’t found, the method would return -1.Copy if (mailAddress.indexOf("@") == -1) { alert("Character @ wasn...
Because this is user driven input, it's never known how many tags or spaces will be found in a string. Either way, the goal is to count every character in the literal html string up to the beginning of the selected text. For example, if the user wants to "tag" ...
The first character of a string has an index of 0, and the last has an index of str.length - 1. Get the last character of a string using bracket notation You can also use the bracket notation ([]) to get the last character of a string: const str = 'JavaScript' const lastChar =...
The core JavaScript language has a repertoire of the common string manipulation properties and methods that you find in most programming languages. You can tear apart a string character by character if you like, change the case of all letters in the string, or work with subsections of a strin...