1、社交插件: 分享按钮 https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/share-button/#configurator 2、网页版分享对话框 JavaScript 版 Facebook SDK 现可提供分享对话框,使用FB.ui 函数(method 参数为share)触发分享对话框。 📒<script async defer src="https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js"></scr...
}(document,'script','facebook-jssdk'));</script> Hacker News <!-- Place this tag where you want the share button to render. --><ahref="http://news.ycombinator.com/submit"class="hn-share-button">Vote on HN</a><!-- Place this tag after the last share tag --><script>(functio...
Anyway, my goal was to share the posts without having to extend them, a logical type: share through the address where that button is written, rather than sharing the button where the page is in the browser. <a href="data:post.url" onclick=" window.open( 'https://www.facebook.com/s...
I'm trying to get my Facebook share button to open up in a modal window (a bit like lightbox opens images), but so far all I can get it to do is open in a brand new window, which I don't want. I've noticed that Twitter opens in a small pop up window, whi...
$ npm install social-share-button.js --save yarn用户执行 $ yarn add social-share-button.js 通过script引入: 当然也支持传统的script标签引入的功能,到https://github.com/slince/social-share.js/releases界面下载最新的版本,拷贝dist目录下的文件到你的项目中,然后通过script和link标签分别引入js和css文件即可...
<ahref="http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=siteUrl&t=title">facebook share</a> </body> </html> http://developers.facebook.com/tools/lint 使用这个工具可以验证所share的link是否正确,并输出link的title与image等信息。 而且可以用于清除缓存。like button会缓存结果,使同一个link的share结果始终...
$ npm install social-share-button.js --save yarn用户执行 $ yarn add social-share-button.js 通过script引入: 当然也支持传统的script标签引入的功能,到https://github.com/slince/social-share.js/releases界面下载最新的版本,拷贝dist目录下的文件到你的项目中,然后通过script和link标签分别引入js和css文件即可...
// initial page load url: Google Mapsfunctionurl(){return'https://www.google.com/maps/@37.386427,-122.0428214,11z';}// action where we want to detect memory leaks: click the Hotels buttonasyncfunctionaction(page){// puppeteer page APIawaitpage.click('text/Hotels');}// action where we wa...
<button id="loginBtn">Facebook Login</button> <div id="response"></div> JavaScript function getUserData() { FB.api('/me', {fields: 'name,email'}, (response) => { document.getElementById('response').innerHTML = 'Hello ' + response.name; ...
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