打开扩展Code Runner的设置,把Run In Terminal打上勾 输出中文乱码 如图 打开设置,输入encoding把这个勾上 然后点击设置,如图,点击我箭头指的地方,会显示setting.json文件 在该文件里面加上如下代码: "terminal.integrated.profiles.windows": { "Command Prompt": { "path": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe"...
Run the workshop Open your terminal and run the following command: javascripting You'll see the menu: Navigate the menu with the up & down arrow keys. Choose a challenge by hitting enter. Take a look at this gif that shows the first challenge: ...
To install TatumSDK, simply run the following command in your terminal or command prompt: Install using npm npm install @tatumio/tatum Install using yarn yarn add @tatumio/tatum Install using pnpm pnpm install @tatumio/tatum Getting started Basic Usage Here's a brief overview of how to utili...
GitHub télécharge chaque action exécutée dans un flux de travail pendant la durée d'exécution et l'exécute comme un ensemble complet de code avant que vous puissiez utiliser des commandes de flux de travail comme run pour interagir avec la machine d'exécution. Cela signifie que vous ...
Run Chrome from the command line to specify the remote debugging port and your Chrome user data directory. Open the embedded Terminal (AltF12) and type: <path_to_chrome_executable> --remote-debugging-port=<port_specified_in_run_configuration> --user-data-dir=<your_Chrome_user_data_directory...
In the terminal, change to the directory where you want to create the project.Run the following command to clone the app from GitHub to a local subdirectory. Bash Copy git clone https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/mslearn-build-interactive-components-blazor.git BlazingPizza...
# Command-Line Usage mocha [spec..] Run tests with Mocha Commands mocha inspect [spec..] Run tests with Mocha [default] mocha init <path> create a client-side Mocha setup at <path> Rules & Behavior --allow-uncaught Allow uncaught errors to propagate [boolean] --async-only, -A Require...
Run the new application. Bash Copy npm start To view your new application in a browser, go to http://localhost:3000. Stop the application by using CTRL+C in the terminal window, and select y to terminate the batch job.Install the required modulesThe...
Currently, you need to go into the folder you generated in your terminal and call "npx tsc" (tsc is the typescript compiler) to transpile from typescript to javascript. Up from version 1.6.1 of the generator, which will be available on Thursday, the generate will be default also generate...
The second part of deploying the application is to upload the documents to Azure Storage. In a terminal at the root of the project, run the following script:Bash Copy npm run upload:docs Deploy chat app to AzureThe third part of deploying the application is to upload the application ...